Royal Assassin Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Royal Assassin

Few positions within a kingdom are as highly coveted or feared as that of the royal assassin. A special cold-blooded brand of killer, a royal assassin works directly for the rulers of a kingdom, acting as a blade in the dark to swiftly end the lives of those who pose a threat, physical or otherwise, to the stability of the kingdom they serve. A royal assassin never knows any life other than one of servitude and murder, and this usually leaves them dark and humorless, with little desire for personal connection.   From the Beginning Each royal assassin is specially trained for their position, taken from a young age and raised in the presence of the court by the previous royal assassin. These children are often given high-class educations, taught the politics of the land they serve, as well as how to blend into the culture of it and other kingdoms. They are often taught to discard any notion of the self, submitting their entire being to servitude under the royal family, no matter who happens to sit upon the throne. For a royal assassin, ensuring the continuance of the kingdom is of the highest priority. To this end, their tools of choice are lightweight and easily hidden weapons, tactical displays of acrobatics, and poisons of deadly potency.   To the End Few royal assassins ever reach the level of reputation garnered by other professional killers. Their entire existence hinges on remaining unknown and unseen, with precious little of their existence ever being revealed. To this end, a royal assassin does not kill for profit and greed, or for personal vendettas and grievances, but only at the behest of the royalty they serve. For a royal assassin, the only part of their existence that matters is the kill- the use of a royal assassin is meant to send a message, and each assassin decides at the close of their training upon a personal calling card. A symbol, a unique item, or a particular method of murder- whatever the sign, it serves to discreetly send a message to those necessary that the assassination was a royal mandate.  

Royal Assassin

Few positions within a kingdom are as highly coveted or feared as that of the royal assassin. A special cold-blooded brand of killer, a royal assassin works directly for the rulers of a kingdom, acting as a blade in the dark to swiftly end the lives of those who pose a threat, physical or otherwise, to the stability of the kingdom they serve. A royal assassin never knows any life other than one of servitude and murder, and this usually leaves them dark and humorless, with little desire for personal connection.

Armor Class16 (studded leather)
Hit Points 12d8+12
Speed30 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity18 (+4)
Constitution12 (+1)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom13 (+1)
Charisma10 (+0)
Saving ThrowsDexterity d20+7
SkillsSlight of Hand d20+7 Stealth d20+7
SensesDarkvision 30 ft.Passive Perception 11
Challenge6 (2300 XP)
SpecialSudden DeathThe assassins' attacks deal double damageagainst creatures that have already taken an action this round
Action 1MultiattackThe assassin makes two dagger attacks
Action 2DaggerMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d4+4 piercing damage,plus 2d4 poison damage
Action 3Hand CrossbowRanged Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Range 30/120 ft., one targetHit 1d6+4 piercing damageplus 2d4 poison damage,and the target must make
a DC 15 constitution saving throwor become paralyzed for 1d4 rounds.The target may repeat this saving throwat the start of each of its turns,
ending the effect on itself on a success
ReactionFlee (3/day)When the assassin is hit by a melee attack,it can use its reaction to take the dash,
disengage, or hide action


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