Perilous Research Spell in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Perilous Research

You use your arcane power to glimpse secrets beyond reality, attempting to learn one spell of 3rd-level or lower from the wizard spell list. To do so, the time you spend casting the spell must be spent in deep meditation, taking no other actions. Your hands move on their own, using the material components of the spell to record the secrets you learn into your spellbook, culminating in the instructions for casting a new spell. During this time, you are unaware of your surroundings and are considered to be unconscious. You can choose to end the casting of the spell at any time. If you take damage, become affected by a spell or other magical ability, or choose to willingly stop casting the spell, the process is interrupted and the spell fails, and you gain no benefits from its casting. For each hour spent casting the spell, you must make a Constitution saving throw or an Intelligence (Arcana) check, your choice, with a DC equal to 10 + the level of the spell slot expended. On a failed save or ability check, you automatically suffer one level of exhaustion as your mind is overwhelmed by the burden of the knowledge you encounter, but can otherwise continue the process of casting the spell. On a successful save or ability check, you continue casting the spell as normal with no negative effects. When you finish casting the spell, you can attempt a single DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check to attempt to influence what spell you learn. If the check is successful, you decide exactly what spell you have learned, as long as it is of 3rd-level or below. If you fail the check by 5 or less, you can decide what level the spell you learn is, as long as it is 3rd-level or below, but not the exact spell. If you fail the check by 6 or more, you can decide what school the spell you learn is in, but not the exact spell or its level.   At Higher Levels When you cast this spell using a spell slot of 4th level or higher, the cost of the spell’s material components increases by 100 GP for each slot level above 3rd, and the maximum level of the spell learned increases to the level of the expended spell slot.  
3rd Level Divination
Casting Time 8 hours
Range Self
Components Material (a spellbook, and 300 GP worth of ink, papers, and other materials, expended during the casting)
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Wizard
  Perilous Research


When you finish casting the spell, you can attempt a single DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check to attempt to influence what spell you learn. If the check is successful, you decide exactly what spell you have learned, as long as it is of 3rd-level or below. If you fail the check by 5 or less, you can decide what level the spell you learn is, as long as it is 3rd-level or below, but not the exact spell. If you fail the check by 6 or more, you can decide what school the spell you learn is in, but not the exact spell or its level.

Side/Secondary Effects

During this time, you are unaware of your surroundings and are considered to be unconscious. You can choose to end the casting of the spell at any time. If you take damage, become affected by a spell or other magical ability, or choose to willingly stop casting the spell, the process is interrupted and the spell fails, and you gain no benefits from its casting. For each hour spent casting the spell, you must make a Constitution saving throw or an Intelligence (Arcana) check, your choice, with a DC equal to 10 + the level of the spell slot expended. On a failed save or ability check, you automatically suffer one level of exhaustion as your mind is overwhelmed by the burden of the knowledge you encounter, but can otherwise continue the process of casting the spell. On a successful save or ability check, you continue casting the spell as normal with no negative effects.


You use your arcane power to glimpse secrets beyond reality, attempting to learn one spell of 3rd-level or lower from the wizard spell list. To do so, the time you spend casting the spell must be spent in deep meditation, taking no other actions. Your hands move on their own, using the material components of the spell to record the secrets you learn into your spellbook, culminating in the instructions for casting a new spell.


Class Source
Wizard Added to spell repertoire each morning


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