Niambi, Faithful Healer Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Niambi, Faithful Healer

Niambi's skills as a healer are known far and wide throughout her native Femeref and beyond. There are few others as sharp and as skilled as she, and her knowledge of medicine includes both traditional remedies from all across Dominaria and magical remedies pulled from her experience as a cleric of the Femerefian faith.   And though Niambi is one of Dominaria's most acclaimed healers, even some of her closest friends do not know the truth of her heritage- the Niambi is not just a direct descendant of Teferi, the time mage best known for destroying the ancient empire of Zhalfir, but is actually the time mage's very own daughter.   Kind Heart As a child, Niambi was subject to the full love and care of both of her parents, who, despite their tendencies toward travel and adventure, went to great lengths to make sure they were there for their daughter. This affectionate upbringing left Niambi with a large heart, full of kindness, inspired by her father's own tendency to leap at any given chance to help others. When Niambi grew old enough to find her own path in life, there was no question in her mind that she wanted to provide aid to the weak, and she quickly settled into the role of a healer.   Though Teferi has no strong connections to religious faith, Niambi's mother, Subira, taught her to worship the sun in the classic Femerefian style. These lessons in religion, as well as an early childhood in Femeref followed by an adolescence of travel, gave Niambi an even greater faith in her religion than her mother's own. When she decided to be a healer, Niambi's first course of action was to join the Femerefian church in full, learning the skills and techniques of their own spellcasters.   Skilled Hands Less than a decade after joining the church, Niambi made the decision to leave it behind. Though she enjoyed the charity the church gave to its country, she knew that others beyond its borders suffered, and felt the church had taught her all they could about healing magic. Niambi's heart had begun to feel the same call to adventure that gripped her mother and father, and she chose to follow it.   Niambi spent twice almost twice as long traveling as she had working in the church, wandering the full breadth of Dominaria, expanding her knowledge on medicine and healing from each culture she encounter. Niambi never settled in any area for long, never satisfied with what she'd learned, knowing there would always be more. Then, finally, she chose to return home.   Triumphant Return Though Niambi had come back home many times during her journey, the desire to stay snuck up on her, and what she'd thought was another short trip to reconnect with her family grew longer and longer, until she realized she didn't want to leave. As time passed, Niambi fully settled down, starting her own family and raising her own children. But just like her parents before her Niambi spends much of her time traveling to the furthest corners of the world, helping those she can, wherever she finds them. And each time she returns home, she tells her children and her grandchildren the stories of where she's been and tries to leave them with the same kindness her parents granted her.  

Niambi, Faithful Healer

Niambi's skills as a healer are known far and wide throughout her native Femeref and beyond. There are few others as sharp and as skilled as she, and her knowledge of medicine includes both traditional remedies from all across Dominaria and magical remedies pulled from her experience as a cleric of the Femerefian faith.
And though Niambi is one of Dominaria's most acclaimed healers, even some of her closest friends do not know the truth of her heritage- the Niambi is not just a direct descendant of Teferi, the time mage best known for destroying the ancient empire of Zhalfir, but is actually the time mage's very own daughter.

Armor Class14
Hit Points 14d8+42
Speed30 ft.
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution17 (+3)
Intelligence13 (+1)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma18 (+4)
Saving ThrowsWisdom d20+7
SkillsInsight d20+8 Medicine d20+9 Perception d20+8
SensesPassive Perception 18
Challenge8 (3,900 XP)
SpecialSpellcastingNiambi is a 12th-level spellcaster.Her spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 15, d20+7 to hit with spell attacks).She has the following clearing spells prepared:
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)GuidanceLight
MendingSacred FlameSpare the Dying
Spells 21st level (4 slots)Cure WoundsDetect Poison and Disease
Healing WordPurify Food and Drink
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)AidHold Person
DaylightMassHealing Word
Spells 43rd level (3 slots)Beacon of HopeDaylight
Mass Healing Word
Spells 54th level (3 slots)Death WardGuardian of Faith
Spells 65th level (2 slots)DawnMass Cure Wounds
Spells 76th level (1 slot)Heal
ActionQuarterstaffMelee Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d8+2 bludgeoning damage
Legendary ActionsNiambi, Faithful Healer can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Niambi regains spent legendaryactions at the start of her turn
Legendary Action 1Healing TouchNiambi touches a willing creature,causing it to regain 1d8+4 hit points
Legendary Action 2TIme Share (Costs 2 Actions)One creature of Niambi's choice that she can see within 60 feetimmediately moves up to its speed or takes the
Disengage, Dodge, or Hide action
Legendary Action 3Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions)Niambi casts a spell from her list of prepared spells,expending a spell slot as normal


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