Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith

When the Conflux consumed Alara, rejoining its split shards, each piece of Alara's whole was flooded with mana it hadn't been able to access in hundreds of years. The result was an explosion of new magical talent and power, with some creatures totally altered by the Conflux, and other realizing a potential they'd never known they had. The leonin Nazahn falls into this latter category, having once been a smith on the shard of Naya, he now serves the ideals of Bant.   Great Talent Having learned the trade of smithing when he was young. Nazahn served his people for many years, crafting weapons to suit the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of the nacatl of Naya. The weapons shaped were rough, bladed objects, best suited for cutting through scale and skin, which put function over form. When he could find time and spare scarp, Nazahn enjoyed crafting objects beyond those required by his tribe, such as jewelry and decorations. He kept the results of this hobby secret, fearing what would happen if his tribe's leader believed Nazhan was wasting metal, a sometimes difficult-to-find resource in Naya's wild jungles.   Greater Potential In time, Nazahn fell in love with Arhn, a hunter from his tribe, and shared with him the secret metalcraft he worked on. Arhn urged Nazahn to share his gifts with the rest of the tribe, but Nazahn refused, still fearing retribution or exile. In the events of the Conflux, Nazahn began to unconsciously suffuse the things he made with magic, eventually culminating in the forging of a new hammer for himself, which warded him against both the heat of his forge and the blades of others. Shortly after, as Naya collided with Bant, Arhn went missing on a hunting trip, and Nazahn urged his tribe's leader to let him go searching for Arhn. When the leader refused, Nazahn knew he could not wait any longer, and reveled his secrets to the tribe, taking his hammer and setting off for Bant.   Discovery of Beauty Journeying through the thick jungles of his home for the first time, Nazahan felt no fear, using his hammer to fend off predators from the Nayan jungles and the mountains of Jund alike. When he was stopped at the edge of Bant by a patrol of outrider knights, Nazahn was nearly overcome by the shining armor, ashen and muddy from defending their borders. Nazahan offered the aid of his hammer and his talents, in return for assistance in finding Arhn, and was brought to a small city on the edge of the nation Akrasa. There Nazahn worked to emulate the beautiful armors, medallions, and sigils of Bant, constantly expanding the horizons of his smithing talent, and crafting new weapons for the knights of Bant that held beauty in both form and function. Eventually Arhn was found, wandering not far from the same area Nazahn himself crossed into Bant, and the two lovers were reunited, in a land more accepting of Nazahn's incredible skills. While the social order of Bant begins to fall prey to the chaos of Naya and Grixis, both Nazahn and Arhn work to defend their new home however they can. Each knows that no matter what happens, this time they will fight to remain together.   Hammer of Nazahn Nazahn himself wields a hammer of incredible power, forged by him using every ounce of technique and magic that he could must. While the hammer itself doesn't look like much, its ability make it a valuable treasure in the hands on any smith, as well as any warrior capable of wielding it.   Hammer of Nazahn Weapon (Warhammer). Legendary ( requires attunement) This simply crafted hammer looks more like like the tool of a smith than a weapon for war, and is adorned with a few charms and amulets made from precious metals. This weapon has 4 charges, and you have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this weapon. While attuned to this hammer, you are immune to fire damage and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. While wielding this hammer, you can use a bonus action on your turn to expend a charge, and either give yourself resistance to all damage until the start of your your next turn, or cause one willing creature you touch to automatically become attuned to a magic item of your choice within 5 ft.  

Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith

When the Conflux consumed Alara, rejoining its split shards, each piece of Alara's whole was flooded with mana it hadn't been able to access in hundreds of years. The result was an explosion of new magical talent and power, with some creatures totally altered by the Conflux, and other realizing a potential they'd never known they had. The leonin Nazahn falls into this latter category, having once been a smith on the shard of Naya, he now serves the ideals of Bant.

Armor Class18 (plate armor)
Hit Points 22d8+6
Speed25 ft.
Strength20 (+5)
Dexterity13 (+1)
Constitution17 (+3)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom17 (+3)
Charisma14 (+2)
SavesStrength d20+12 Constitution d20+10 Wisdom d20+10
SkillsPerception d20+10
Damage ImmunitiesFireBludgeoningPiercing
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 20
Challenge21 (33,000 XP)
Special 1Legendary Resistance (4/day)If Nazahn fails a saving throw,he can choose to succeed instead
Special 2Stunning StrengthWhen Nazahn hits a creature with a melee weapon attack,the target must make a
DC 20 Constitution saving throw orbe stunned until the end of its next turn
Action 1MultiattackNazahn makes two attacks with his hammer
Action 2Hammer of NazahnMelee Weapon Attack d20+14 to hit
Reach 5ft., one targetHit 3d12+5 bludgeoning damageplus 4d6 fire damage
Legendary ActionsNazahn, Revered Bladesmith can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Nazahn regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1MoveNazahn moves up to his speed
Legendary Action 2HammerNazahn makes an attack with his hammer
Legendary Action 3Unbreakable Ward (Costs 3 Actions)Until the start of his next turn,Nazahn becomes resistant to all damage


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