Labyrinth Champion Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Labyrinth Champion

Though perhaps not as valorous as winning the Iroan Games of Akros, or the Vivid Hunt of Setessa, the contest for the title of Labyrinth Champion is no less difficult. Those lucky enough to win the challenge can rest easy knowing that their victory took a powerful combination of strength, skill, and guile. And while the blessings of Iroas of Nylea might be powerful, they are no greater than being blessed by the god of the forge himself, Purphoros. His blessing holds not only power, but wisdom as well, and some would argue the latter is the better.   Celebration of Victory Each summer, in the minor polis of Mistos, the people of the city host a celebration known as the Victory Feast. This four-day-long festival is held to commemorate the city's victory several years ago over a vicious horde of minotaurs. The horde attempted to conquer the city, only to be rebuffed with the help of a hero named Arno, a champion of Purphoros who defeated the minotaurs by outwitting and trapping them.   Central to the festivities is a structure known as the Labyrintine Maze, built by Arno himself after the siege. At the beginning of the festival, a single minotaur is unleashed into a maze, and anyone brave enough to take the challenge can choose to enter with it. As the days pass, the contestants must not only survive the presence of the minotaur but endure a lack of food and water. Once the minotaur is slain, they must find their way back out of the labyrinth, all while competing with each other to take the minotaur's horn as a trophy.   Blessing of Purphoros All surviving participants of the contest earn the respect and admiration of their peers and the city, for the bravery and ingenuity they show in the maze. But only the winner receives a personal blessing from Purphoros- one that not only imparts the forge god's famous brawn but his skill for craft and deceptive intellect as well.   Unlike the blessings imparted in the Iroan Games, Purphoros' gift does not fade over time. Those who win the title of Labyrint Champion hold it for life, becoming part of an elite group of warriors whose names are carved in stone on the outer walls of the Labyrinthine Maze for all to see.  

Labyrinth Champion

Though perhaps not as valorous as winning the Iroan Games of Akros, or the Vivid Hunt of Setessa, the contest for the title of Labyrinth Champion is no less difficult. Those lucky enough to win the challenge can rest easy knowing that their victory took a powerful combination of strength, skill, and guile. And while the blessings of Iroas of Nylea might be powerful, they are no greater than being blessed by the god of the forge himself, Purphoros. His blessing holds not only power, but wisdom as well, and some would argue the latter is the better.

Armor Class15
Hit Points 16d8+48
Speed40 ft.
Strength13 (+1)
Dexterity20 (+5)
Constitution17 (+3)
Intelligence15 (+2)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma10 (+0)
SkillsInvestigation d20+5 Perception d20+7
SensesPassive Perception 17
Challenge8 (3,900 XP)
Special 1Innate SpellcastingThe champion's innate spellcasting ability isWisdom (spell save DC 15).
It can innately cast the following spells,requiring no material components:
Spells 13/day eachSearing SmiteThunderous Smite
Wrathful Smite
Spells 22/dayBranding Smite
Spells 31/dayBlinding Smite
Special 2Labyrinthine RecallThe champion can perfectly recall any path it has traveled
Special 3Martial AdvantageOnce per turn, the champion can deala extra 3d6 damage to a creature it hits with a weapon attack
if that creature is within 5 feet ofan ally of the champion that isn't incapacitated
Special 4ReactiveThe champion can take one reaction on every turn in combat
Action 1MultiattackThe champion makes three attacksin any combination with its shortbow and shortsword
Action 2ShortswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+8 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d6+5 piercing damage
Action 2ShortbowRanged Weapon Attack d20+8 to hit
Range 80/320 ft., one targetHit 1d6+5 piercing damage
ReactionHeroicWhenever the champion becomes the target of a spell or magical ability,it can use its reaction to make a single melee weapon attack


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