King Macar the Gold-Cursed Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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King Macar the Gold-Cursed

Ruler of the polis Phyragia, King Macar was once known for beneficent ruler ship, and well-beloved by his people. Originally a foreigner to his kingdom, he was given the role of king after fulfilling a prophecy given to the Pyhragain people by an oracle of Kruphix. Thankful for his position as king of Pyragia, in his ruler ship Macar was always sure to give proper thanks and offerings to the gods- a fact which would eventually be his undoing.   Hospitable Mistake When a satyr found his way to Phyragia after a night of strong revelry, he passes out in the rose gardens of the royal palace, and on awakening was brought to King Macar's court. There the satyr explained himself as a beloved follower of the god Phrenax, and King Macar played hose to his visitor, entertaining him with him royal revelry for ten straight days and nights. Phranax, pleased with Macar's actions, offered the king a single wish. In a fit of greed, Macar asked that his touch turn objects to gold, and his wish was granted.   Both Blessing and Curse The blessing Phrenax had given to Macar quickly worked against him, turning even food and drink to gold in Macar's mouth. Macar's beloved daughter, seeking to console her father, as turned against him, and when Macar asked Phrenax to undo the blessing the good took offense, leaving Macar with only cryptic hints.   In Search of Hope Macar has lived with his curse for years since, Phrenax's gift keeping the king alive despite his inability to consume food or drink. With little other choice, Macar has turned towards the study of magic as his last hope, following tales of spells which can cure curses. Surrounded by a kingdom of gold, suffering from unending thirst and hunger, many claim Macar has gone mad. But few realize that what Macar seeks is not a cure to his condition, but a cure for his beloved daughter, ho has suffered for her father's greed.    

King Macar the Gold-Cursed

Ruler of the polis Phyragia, King Macar was once known for beneficent ruler ship, and well-beloved by his people. Originally a foreigner to his kingdom, he was given the role of king after fulfilling a prophecy given to the Pyhragain people by an oracle of Kruphix. Thankful for his position as king of Pyragia, in his ruler ship Macar was always sure to give proper thanks and offerings to the gods- a fact which would eventually be his undoing.

Armor Class1013 with mage armor
Hit Points 16d8+32
Speed30 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution14 (+2)
Intelligence15 (+2)
Wisdom10 (+0)
Charisma20 (+5)
Saving ThrowsWisdom d20+4 Charisma d20+9
SkillsArcana d20+6
Condition ImmunitiesPetrified
SensesPassive Perception 10
Challenge10 (5900 XP)
Special 1Gold-CursedMacar does not require food or drink to live,though he still feels the need for both,
and can not sleep, instead of gaining the benefitsof a long rest after meditating for 4 hours,during which he is semi-conscious.This curse can't be removed except through the use of the wish spell
or other similar magic
Special 2Golden TouchAny object which Macar touchesor which touches Macar is immediately transformed into gold.
The armor turned into gold has a -2 penalty to AC,and weapons turned to gold have a -1 penaltyto attack and damage rolls.Any creature that touches Macar directly
or which Macar touches,such as with an unarmed strike,must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw.On a failed save, the target magically begins to
turn to gold and is restrained.It must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn.On a failure, the creature is petrified untilfreed by the greater restoration spell or other magic.
Special 2InspiredWhenever Macar's golden touch successfully restrains a creature,he regains an expended spell slot of the lowest possible level
Special 3SpellcastingMacar is a 7th-level spellcaster.His spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks)He has following Wizard spells prepared:
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)Chill touchMage hand
Shocking graspTrue strike
Spells 21st level (4 slots)AlarmBurning hands
Cause fearMage armor
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)Crown of madnessHold person
Spells 43rd level (3 slots)remove curseSlow
Vampiric touch
Spells 54th level (1 slot)Confusion
Action 1DaggerMelee Weapon Attack d20+4 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d4 piercing damage
Action 2Unarmed StrikeMelee Weapon Attack d20+4 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1 bludgeoning damage,and the target is subject to Macar's golden touch
Legendary ActionsKing Macar, the Gold-Cursed can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Macar regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary ActionUnarmed StrikeMacar makes a single unarmed strike


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