Josu Vess, Light Knight Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Josu Vess, Light Knight

Hundreds of years ago, the swamp now known as the Caligo Morass was the home of the Vess family, a successful lineage of knights and healers. For generations they had dwelled on the forest island of Urborg, protecting it from invasion and aiding sick and injured locals. This all changed in a single night, when a powerful necromantic curse swept across the Vess estate, transforming its family members into powerful undead monsters, and its servents into wights, zombies, and ghouls.   At the center of the necromantic wave was the lone make heir of the Vess family, a once-sickly boy by the name of Josu. In the aftermath of the estate's destruction. Josu was transformed into an undying lich, a powerful force of evil. The Vess family's only other heir, a young healer named Lilianna, disappeared in the tragedy, never to be seen or heard from again.   Servant of the Cabal The devastating loss of the Vess family, and the transformation of the Vess estate into the necromantically-charged Caligo Morass, was the beginning of the end for Urborg. Soon after, a series of events would slowly warp the whole of the once-verdant forest into a swamp much like the Morass. When Belzenlok rose as the patriarch of the Cabal, he moved its headquarters to an abandoned Phyrexian fortress near the center of Urborg.   It was there on Urborg that Belzenolk discovered the existence of the lich Josu Vess, recruiting the under knight into his service. Belzenlok promised Josu an end to his suffering, using the vast necromantic powers of the Cabal to stabilize Josu's condition, ridding him of the pain from the curse that had plagued him for centuries. In thankfulness, Josu gave himself over entirely to the service of the Cabal, acting as one of Belzenlok's top generals.   Desire for Vengence While legends claim that the daughter of the Vess family, Lilianna, disappeared in the destruction of the family estate, Josu Vess knows the truth. Josu's status as a lich is a result of Liliana's mistake, a failed attempt to heal her brother of a curse, which succeeded only in placing Josu under a cure of Liliana's own making. This same curse is what would eventually transform Josu into a lich, creating an enduring connection between himself and his sister.   Though he was mad with pain, Josu clearly remembers watching his sister disappear into thin aid, and the undead victims of their family held him back. Though he can not sense where she is, as one of Liliana's undead creations, Josu can sense that Liliana is still alive, somewhere. Watching and waiting, serving the Cabal, and gathering his power, Josu trains every day to perfect both his skills as a knight and his own mastery of necromancy. He knows, deep down, that someday his sister will reappear, and Josu plans to be ready to take his vengeance for the centuries of pain, madness, and despair that she has put him through.  

Josu Vess, Light Knight

Hundreds of years ago, the swamp now known as the Caligo Morass was the home of the Vess family, a successful lineage of knights and healers. For generations they had dwelled on the forest island of Urborg, protecting it from invasion and aiding sick and injured locals. This all changed in a single night, when a powerful necromantic curse swept across the Vess estate, transforming its family members into powerful undead monsters, and its servents into wights, zombies, and ghouls.
At the center of the necromantic wave was the lone make heir of the Vess family, a once-sickly boy by the name of Josu. In the aftermath of the estate's destruction. Josu was transformed into an undying lich, a powerful force of evil. The Vess family's only other heir, a young healer named Lilianna, disappeared in the tragedy, never to be seen or heard from again.

Armor Class18 (plate armor)
Hit Points 16d8+96
Speed30 ft.
Strength21 (+5)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution22 (+6)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma19 (+4)
Saving ThrowsConstitution d20+10 Wisdom d20+8 Charisma d20+8
SkillsAnimal Handling d20+8 Perception d20+8 Intimidate d20+8
Damage ImmunitiesColdNecroticPoison
Condition ImmunitiesPoisoned
SensesPassive Perception 18
Challenge10 (5,900 XP)
Special 1MenaceJosu Vess has an advantage on all attack rolls made againsta creature if there is no ally of the target within 5 feet of it
Special 2SpellcastingJosu Vess is a 9th-level spellcaster.His spellcasting ability is Charisma
(spell save DC 16, d20+8 to hit with spell attacks).He has the following Paladin spells prepared
Spells 11st level (4 slots)CommandCompelled duel
Searing smiteShield of faithThunderous smiteWrathful smite
Spells 22nd level (3 slots)Branding smiteFind steed
Magic weapon
Spells 33rd level (2 slots)Aura of vitalityBlinding smite
Dispel magicElemental weapon
Action 1MultiattackJosu Vess uses his Frightful Presence,then makes three attacks with his Warhammer
Action 2WarhammerMelee Weapon Attack d20+9 to hit
Reach 10 ft., one targetHit 2d8+5 bludgeoning damageplus 2d8 necrotic damage
Action 3Frightful PresenceEach creature of Josu Vess' choice that is within 60 ft.of Josu Vess and aware of him must succeed on
a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.A creature can repeat the saving throw at the need of each of its turns,ending the effect on itself on a success.If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends for it,
the creature is immune to Josu Vess' Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours
Action 4Summon Knights (Recharge 6)Josu Vess summons 1d6 undead knights,which appear in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet.
The knights roll initiative and take their own turns,and follow any verbal commands issued by Josu Vess

Josu Vess, Lich Crusader

Hundreds of years ago, the swamp now known as the Caligo Morass was the home of the Vess family, a successful lineage of knights and healers. For generations they had dwelled on the forest island of Urborg, protecting it from invasion and aiding sick and injured locals. This all changed in a single night, when a powerful necromantic curse swept across the Vess estate, transforming its family members into powerful undead monsters, and its servents into wights, zombies, and ghouls.

Armor Class18 (plate armor)
Hit Points 22d8+132
Speed30 ft.
Strength23 (+6)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution22 (+6)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma20 (+5)
Saving ThrowsDexterity d20+5 Constitution d20+11 Wisdom d20+10
Charisma d20+11
SkillsAnimal Handling d20+11 Perception d20+10 Intimidation d20+11
Damage ImmunitiesColdNecroticPoison
Condition ImmunitiesPoisoned
SensesPassive Perception 18
Challenge16 (15,000 XP)
Special 1MenaceJosu Vess has an advantage on all attack rollsmade against a creature if there is no ally of the target within 5 feet of it
Special 2SpellcastingJosu Vess is a 15th- level spellcaster.His spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 19).
He has the following Paladin spells prepared
Spells 11st level (4 slots)ComandCompelled duel
Searing smiteShield of faithRay of sicknessThunderous smite
Wraithful smite
Spells 22nd level (3 slots)Blindness/DeafnessBranding smite
Find steedMagic weaponRay of enfeeblement
Spells 33rd level (3 slots)Aura of vitalityBlinding smite
Dispel magicElemental weaponVampiric touch
Spells 44th level (2 slots)Find greater steedStaggering smite
Action 1MultiattackJosu Vess uses his frightful Presence,then makes three attacks with his Warhammer
Action 2WarammerMelee Weapon Attack d20+12 to hit
Reach 10 ft., one targetHit 2d8+6 bludgeoning damageplus 3d8 necrotic damage
Action 3Frightful PresenceEach creature of Josu Vess' choice that is within 60 ft.of Josu Vess and aware of him must succeed on
a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute.A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,ending the effect on itself on a success.If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect ends or it,
the creature is immune to Josu Vess' Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours
Legendary ActionsJosu Vess, Lich Crusader can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Josu Vess regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1WarhammerJosu Vess makes an attack with his Warhammer,then regains a number of hit points equal to the damage dealt
Legendary Action 2Summon Knights (Costs 2 Actions)Josu Vess summons 1d6 undead knights,which appear in unoccupied spaces within 30 feet.
The knights roll initiative and take their own turns,and follow any verbal commands issued by Josu Vess
Legendary Action 3Unholy Knight (Costs 3 Actions)Josu Vess touches a dead creature,infusing it with his own lich essence and transforming it
into an undead creature under his control.The creature acts at the end of Josu Vess' turn and follows any verbal commandsissued to it by Josu Vess (no action required).Otherwise, it defends itself but takes no other action


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