Jodah, Archmage Eternal Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Jodah, Archmage Eternal

Through thousands of years of Dominarian history, stories feature the powerful wizard Jodah have consistently appeared, starting in the Gathering Dark leading up to the Ice Age, on through modern times, during Dominaria's brush with temporal destruction and beyond. In earlier stories, Jodah is a powerful figure that directly intervenes in the events of history to aid Dominaria and prevent its destruction. In later tales, he is a figure of guidance, acting as a mentor or patron to other heroes in their quest to right Dominaria's wrongs.   Though historians of Dominaria have come to believe Jodah to be an apocryphal figure, a kind of character archetype or reference to a familial line of mages, the truth is that each story featuring Jodah tells the tale of one individual, involved throughout the ages in all Dominaia's major events.   Tale as Old as Time The wizard Jodah is the closest living relative of the Infamous artificer Urza, a powerful figure in Dominarian history said to be equally responsible for its greatest cataclysms and moments of triumph. As a young boy, Jodah was taken into the apprenticeship of a powerful mage who saw in Jodah the spark of incredible magic.   Separated during their travels, Jodah took refuge in an abandoned fountain from a tribe of goblins, not knowing the water would slow his aging to a crawl, to a point of practical immortality. As the years passed, Jodah was able to spend all the time in the world on the study of magic, and his powers ever-increasingly grew.   Protector of Dominaria In time, Jodah would be embroiled in all manner of important historical events, across the whole of Dominaria. In the time of the Gathering Dark, Jodah would help to rescue the Conclave of Mages from the tyranny of its false leader, Marisill the Pretender. Then in the Ice Age, Jodah established the new College of the Unseen as a refuge for all magic casters, before working with his student Jaya Ballard to unite the kingdoms of Balduvia and Kjeld against the undead armies of the necromancer Lim-Dul.   Shortly after, when Lin-Dul's specter rose again, possessing the mind and spirit of Jaya, it was Jodah who freed her from its grip, in the process transforming Jays into Dominaria's single most powerful pyromancer. He then helped the great mage Urza to turn back the tide of the Phyrexian Invasion, uniting with other Dominarians the world over in a moment of ultimate alliance.   As time passes, Jodah appears less and less frequently in the stories and legends of Dominaria- but he does appear. While he prefers to remain aloof from historic events, keeping in the shadows. Jodah can't stop himself from helping when it counts to keep alive the world that he has lived in and loved for so long.  

Jodah, Archmage Eternal

Through thousands of years of Dominarian history, stories feature the powerful wizard Jodah have consistently appeared, starting in the Gathering Dark leading up to the Ice Age, on through modern times, during Dominaria's brush with temporal destruction and beyond. In earlier stories, Jodah is a powerful figure that directly intervenes in the events of history to aid Dominaria and prevent its destruction. In later tales, he is a figure of guidance, acting as a mentor or patron to other heroes in their quest to right Dominaria's wrongs.
Though historians of Dominaria have come to believe Jodah to be an apocryphal figure, a kind of character archetype or reference to a familial line of mages, the truth is that each story featuring Jodah tells the tale of one individual, involved throughout the ages in all Dominaia's major events.

Armor Class1114 (with mage armor)
Hit Points 30d8+150
Speed30 ft.Fly 60 ft.
Strength12 (+1)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution18 (+4)
Intelligence21 (+5)
Wisdom19 (+4)
Charisma15 (+2)
Saving ThrowsIntelligence d20+11 Wisdom d20+10 Charisma d20+8
SkillsArcana d20+11
SensesPassive Perception 14
Challenge20 (24,500 XP)
Special 1AgelessJodah is immune to effects that would cause him to age
Special 2Magic ResistanceJoda has an advantage on saving throwsagainst spells and other magical effects
Special 3SpellcastingJodah is a 20th-level spellcaster,His spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 19, d20+11 to hit with spell attacks.)Jodah has the following Wizard spells prepared:
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)Chill touchFIrebolt
MessageMinor illusionPoison spray
Spells 21st level (4 slots)Absorb elementsColor spray
Mage armorMacig missile
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)BlurMirror image
Spells 43rd level (3 slots)ConterspellHaste
Lightning boltSlow
Spells 54th level (3 slots)DImension doorGreater invisibility
PolymorphStorm sphere
Spells 65th level (3 slots)Cone of coldModify memory
Synapptic staticTelekinesis
Spells 76th level (2 slots)Chain lightningMass suggestion
Spells 87th level (2 slots)Mordenkainen's swordPrismatic spray
Spells 98th level (1 slot)Illusory dragon
Spells 109th level (1 slot)Prismatic wall
ActionQuarterstaffMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d10+1 bludgeoning damage,and the target must succeed on a DC 19 Intelligence saving throwor become affected by a randomly determined spell that Joda has prepared
Legendary ActionsJodah, Archmage Eternal can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Jodan regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1QuarterstaffJodah makes an attack with his quarterstaff
Legendary Action 2Archmage's Casting (Cost 2 Actions)Jodah casts any spell of 5th level or lowerthat he has prepared without expending a spell slot
Legendary Actions 3Spell Charge (Costs ActionsJodah regains a single expended spell slotof a level of his choice


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