Island Fish Jasconius Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Island Fish Jasconius

While most of Rabiah is taken up by deserts, not all of the plane is subject to the scorching heat and burning sun. Jungles, forests, and even tundras exist on Rabiah, often as small patches of respite from the ever-stretching desert dunes. Some of these biomes are found only on islands separated from the mainland by large stretches of water, mostly enormous seas, though some are oceans as well. Traveling these seas by boat is uncommon, however, due to the danger it brings- kraken, giant squid, and killer whales lurk in the depths waiting for unsuspecting prey to pass overhead. Even when a traveler finds an island to harbor on, they may not be safe just yet.   Danger in Disguise The Jasconius is an enormous fish, easily the size of a small island, which lives far out at sea away from the mainland. It tends to float near the surface, its skin covered in rocky protrusions and growth resembling plant life. When creatures land on the jasconius, it bides its time before quickly striking, trying to swallow its prey whole. Many merchant ships have been lost this way, dissuading most countries from attempting sea-borne trade unless absolutely necessary.   Endless Hunger The jasconius' size is its greatest strength, but also its greatest weakness. To maintain its enormous body, the jasconius requires mass amounts of food, most of which it gets swallowing whole schools of smaller fish as it moves place to place waiting for things to land on its back. But often the jasconius grows too large sustain itself, and driven mad by hunger, the fish will fruitlessly attempt to eat its own tail. While such an act should be impossible, when a jasconius does succeed in biting its own tail, this is said to provide the trigger for its evolution into something far more dangerous- a sea serpent, a beast similar to waterborne dragon.  

Island Fish Jasconius

The Jasconius is an enormous fish, easily the size of a small island, which lives far out at sea away from the mainland. It tends to float near the surface, its skin covered in rocky protrusions and growth resembling plant life. When creatures land on the jasconius, it bides its time before quickly striking, trying to swallow its prey whole. Many merchant ships have been lost this way, dissuading most countries from attempting sea-borne trade unless absolutely necessary.

Armor Class18 (natural armor)
Hit Points 24d12+96
Speed0 ft.Swim 80 ft.
Strength22 (+6)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution18 (+4)
Intelligence3 (-4)
Wisdom17 (+3)
Charisma8 (-1)
SkillsPerception d20+8
Damage ResistancesBludgeoningPiercingSlashing from nonmagical attacks
Condition ImmunitiesExhaustion
SensesDarkvision 120 ft.Passive Perception 18
Challenge14 (11500 XP)
Special 1PatientIf the Jasconius takes an action during its turn,it can not take an action during its next turn
Special 2Siege MonsterThe Jasconius deals double damage to objects and structures
Action 1MultiattackThe Jasconius makes two slam attacks and uses its bite
Action 2BiteMelee Weapon Attack d20+11 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 4d6+6 piercing damageand the Jasconius can automatically attempts to Swallow the target
Action 3SlamMelee Weapon Attack d20+11 to hit
Reach 15 ft., one targetHit 3d12+6 bludgeoning damage
Action 4SwallowThe Jasconius attempts to swallow one creature of Huge size or smaller within 20 ft.,forcing the target to make a DC 19 Strength saving throw.
To do so, both the Jasconius and the target must be underwater,unless the target was hit by the Jasconius' bite.On a failed save the target is swallowed into the Jasonious gullet,where it is grappled and automatically takes 4d8 bludgeoning damage
at the start of each of its turns.A swallowed creature has an advantage on melee attacks madeagainst the Jasconius from inside its gullet.A swallowed creature can use an inside of its gullet.
A swallowed creature can use an action on its turn to repeat the Strength saving throw,freeing itself and all other swallowed creatures on a success.The Jasconius can have up to four Small or Medium creatures,two Large creatures, or one Huge creature swallowed at any time.
If the Jascoius takes 30 or more damage during a single round from creatures it has swallowed,it regurgitates each creature it has swallowed at the start of the next round


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