Grunn, The Lonely King Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Grunn, The Lonely King

After the frost of the Ice Age finally receded from Dominaria, new races and species were given the chance to migrate across the globe in search of new land and resources. Many would flourish during this time, including a sentient race of gorillas that established a home in the heart of the forest-jungle of Yavimaya. Driven by a culture which promoted strength and the worship of ancestors, many kings would rise and fall in the leadership of these gorillas, which have splintered and unified dozens of times over. Currently, the greatest of all the gorilla-kings lives alone, in a kingdom of one.   The Lonely King Grunn is a massive beast, large even by the standards of the gorilla tribes of Yavimaya, standing several heads taller that some of his competition. Descended from a line of incredibly strong warriors, Grunn spent his life feeling isolated from his peers, not by their actions but through his own. Believing his strength to be unbeatable and unapproachable, Grunn challenged the leader of tribe after tribe, taking their people for his own. Unwilling to slow his attempts to prove himself as the greatest, Grunn's tribe suffered, forced into a new skirmish just as the last ended, without time to rest. Slowly, one by one, Grunn's people abandoned him, turning to weaker but more suffer-able leaders before they could be driven to their own deaths.   Only Ghosts of the Past for Company Angered by what he saw as a betrayal of the ancient ways, Grunn exiled his few remaining followers, chasing them away before closing himself off in his ancestral lands. There he remains, spending is days wandering the borders of his territories, ensuring none dare cross his wraith. Though he would never admit it, in his heart Grunn feels a deep sadness, having lost contact with his people decades ago.   An Unconquerable Desire Grunn still hungers for battle, the ways of his ancestors pushing him to constantly improve himself. But Grunn knows that no challenger fit for him lies within Yavimaya, and he would never dare leave the home of his ancestors unattended. Unfortunately, Grunn does not know that his ancestors, too, have left him to his fate. The strength they desire from Grunn is not strength of the body, but the strength to lead his people. Instead they have left Grunn, ruler-less in the world and without purpose, protecting land which becomes more overgrown with each passing day. At heart, some of Grunn knows this, but refuses to acknowledge it in fear of what that would mean for himself, for his past, and for his future.    

Grunn, The Lonely King

After the frost of the Ice Age finally receded from Dominaria, new races and species were given the chance to migrate across the globe in search of new land and resources. Many would flourish during this time, including a sentient race of gorillas that established a home in the heart of the forest-jungle of Yavimaya. Driven by a culture which promoted strength and the worship of ancestors, many kings would rise and fall in the leadership of these gorillas, which have splintered and unified dozens of times over. Currently, the greatest of all the gorilla-kings lives alone, in a kingdom of one.

Armor Class17 (splint armor)
Hit Points 1d6+64
Speed40 ft.Climb 40 ft.
Strength20 (+5)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution18 (+4)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom15 (+2)
Charisma12 (+1)
Saving ThrowsConstitution d20+8 Charisma d20+8
SkillsAthletics d20+13 Perception d20+6
SensesPassive Perception 16
Challenge12 (8400 XP)
Special 1Hail to the KingWhen Grunn hits a creature with a melee weapon attackif none of Grunn's allies have hit the target since the end of Grunn's last turn,
or the target is frightened,the attack deals twice as much damage
Special 2Any creature grappling or grappled by Grunn automaticallytakes 2d6 piercing damage at the start of each of its turns
Special 3Reaching GraspGrunn can attempt to grapple targets up to 10 ft. away
Action 1MultiattackGrunn uses his Frightful Presence.He can then make two attacks with his Warhammer
Action 2WarhammerMelee Weapon Attack d20+9 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 2d8+5 bludgeoning damage
Action 3Frightful PresenceEach creature of Grunn's choice that is within 120 feet of Grunnand aware of him must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
or become frightened for 1 minute.A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its turns,ending the effect on itself on a success.If a creature's saving throw is successful or the effects ends for it,
the creature is immune to Grunn's Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours
Legendary ActionsGrunn, the Lonely King can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Grunn regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Actions 1WarhammerGrunn makes an attack with his Warhammer
Legendary Action 2Primal Rage (Costs 2 Actions)Grunn enters a state of a powerful rage,during which time he has resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
and slashing damage, advantage on all ability checks,saving throws, and melee weapon attacks made using Strengthand deal an additional 1d8 damage with all melee weapons.At the end of each of Grunn's turns while he is in a rage,
he must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw.On a failed save, Grunn's rage ends,and he suffers one level of exhaustion.Grunn can choose to end his rage early using a bonus action
on his turn without suffering a level of exhaustion


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