Grand Arbiter Augustin IV Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Grand Arbiter Augustin IV

For those who have never met the Grand Arbiter in person, their first impression of Augustine IV is often far from the truth. Many see a blind, wizened old man, and nothing else, not know how closely they stand to one of Ravinca's most dangerous citizens. While Augustine IV is both blind and frail, his mind is sharp and cunning and filled with vast stores of intelligence and wisdom. Using both, the Grand Arbiter wields more power and influence over Ravinca than some guild paruns, and is the undisputed leader of the Azorius.   Unflagging Dedication Augustin IV has served the Azorius Senate for all his 113 years of life, never once failing or faltering in his desire to see the law full enforced. Augustin IV was born to two of the most prominent lawmages of the time and was the second cousin of a previous Grand Arbiter. As is tradition and law, Augustin IV's original birth name has been stricken from all records, making a study of his younger years difficult. But the influence of this circumstance of birth can be readily seen in the Grand Arbiter's personality, and one can easily guess as to how his childhood likely proceeded. What is known is that Augustin IV began service to the Azorius first as a clerk to his mother a the age of 10, and graduated to a position as scribe and elocuter at 15, becoming one of the youngest-ever lawmages when he was only 19. Augustin IV's meteoric rise only continued from there, becoming part of the Sova Column in his mid-thirties, and named to the High Council only two decades later. Augustin IV would be named as Grand Arbiter at 64, and he filled the position for almost fifty straight years.   Unwavering Judgement No member of the Azorius Senate with more than a minor infraction on their legal record is allowed to become a judge of the Sova Column, and only those with entirely spotless records are even considered for the position of Grand Arbiter. While the Grand Arbiter does not always serve as the guild leader for the Azorius, it happens some frequency, and thus the role demands a figure that can serve the guild not only in a legal sense but also as a mentor and guide for the Senate as a whole. Augustine IV qualifies in a way that few other guild leaders before him have and in his hands the Azorius have flourished, helping to create new sanctions and curtail the spread of anarchy and social chaos across Ravinca. As a guild leader, the Grand Arbiter always has enemies from within the guild, but Augustin IV's are few and far between, and rarely speak openly of their feelings.   Prahv, Spires of Order These days Augustin IV never leaves the gleaming, austere halls of Prahv, the Azorius guildhall. The Grand Arbiter's chambers are in one of the uppermost towers of the guildhall, and the army of scribes and aides who serve him are also dedicated to caring for the aged guild leader. When encountered in his lair, Grand Arbiter Augustin IV has a Challenge Rating of 11 (7,200 XP).   Lair Actions On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Grand Arbiter Augustin IV takes a lair action to cause one of the following effects; Augustin IV can't use the same effect two rounds in a row.
  • The Grand Arbiter breathlessly mumbles a few small words, activating the law runs hidden in Prahv's walls and floors. Each creature of Augustin IV's choice within 30 ft. must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be restrained. A restrained creature can repeat the saving throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
  • With the words and laws originally set down by Azor I, Augustin IV tries to sever the ties of magic around a creature he is aware of within 60 ft. The target must succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw, or be unable to cast spells until the end of its next turn
  • Augustin IV casts a spell from the list of spells he has prepared, expending a spell slot as normal, but using the magic within Prahv to enhance his abilities. The spell is treated as if it were cast using a spell slot of one level higher.
  • With the help of his Arbiter's Station, Augustin IV magically looks towards the future, analyzing and predicting dozens of possible outcomes. Roll 3d20, then choose one die and record the results. Any time before Augustin IV uses this lair action again when a creature within 60 ft. of him rolls a d20, he can replace the result of the roll with the recorded result.
  The Arbiter's Station Augustin IV's advanced age has rendered the man entirely blind, and his body slow and rickey. To afford the Grand Arbiter the ability to see once more, as well as better move through the extensive halls of Prahv, a floating vehicle known as the Arbiter's Station, was built for him.   Arbiter's Station Wondrous item (vehicle), very rare (requires attunement) Looking for all the world like a floating throne of ivory and marble, a creature attuned to this vehicle that sits in the chair gains a flying speed of 60 ft. and blindsight out to a radius of 30 ft., and its AC becomes 16 if it was not already higher.  

Grand Arbiter Augustin IV

For those who have never met the Grand Arbiter in person, their first impression of Augustine IV is often far from the truth. Many see a blind, wizened old man, and nothing else, not know how closely they stand to one of Ravinca's most dangerous citizens. While Augustine IV is both blind and frail, his mind is sharp and cunning and filled with vast stores of intelligence and wisdom. Using both, the Grand Arbiter wields more power and influence over Ravinca than some guild paruns, and is the undisputed leader of the Azorius.

Armor Class16 (arbiter's station)
Hit Points 18d8
Speed15 ft.Fly 60 ft.
Strength8 (-1)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution11 (+1)
Intelligence20 (+5)
Wisdom19 (+4)
Charisma19 (+4)
Saving ThrowsIntelligence d20+9 Wisdom d20+8 Charisma d20+8
SkillsHistory d20+9 Religion d20+9
Condition ImmunitiesBlinded
SensesBlindsight 30 ftPassive Perception 14
Challenge10 (5,900 XP)
Special 1Arbiter's StationWhile outside of his Arbiter's Station,Agustin IV's AC becomes 10,
he loses his flying speed and his blindsightand has a disadvantage on all Strengthand Dexterity saving throws and ability checks
Special 2BlindAugustin IV automatically fails Wisdom(Perception) checks related to sight
Special 3SpellcastingAugustin IV is a 13th-level spellcaster.His spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 17, d20+9 to hit with spell attacks.)Augustin IV has the following Cleric spells prepared
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)GuidanceLight
Saced flameThaumaturgyToll the dead
Spells 21st level (4 slots)CommandDetect evil and good
Detect magicGuiding bolt
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)Hold personSilence
Zone of truth
Spells 43rd level (3 slots)Dispel magicSpeak with dead
Spirit guardians
Spells 54th level (3 slots)BanishmentDivination
Guardian of faith
Spells 65th level (2 slots)DawnDispel evil and good
Planar binding
Spells 76th level (1 slot)True seeing
Spells 87th level (1 slot)Divine word
ActionBinding StaffAugustin IV's staff has 6 charges and regainsall expended charges each day at dawn. As an action, Augustin IV can expend any number
of charges to cause one of the following effects
Effect 1Binding Ray (1 charge)Augustin IV makes a spell attack roll against a creature within 60 ft.On a hit, the target is restrained until the start of its next turn
Effect 2Silence Opposition (2 charges)Augustin IV forces one creature within 30 succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
or be unable to speak for 1 minute.A silenced creature can use its action to repeat the saving throw,ending the effect on a success
Effect 3Arrestment (3 charges)Augustin IV casts the hold person spelland does not need to maintain concentration on the spell.
Intelligence is his spellcasting ability for this spell
Legendary ActionsGrand Arbiter Augustin IV can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Augustin IV regains spent legendaryactions at the start of his turn
Legendary Action 1MoveAugustin IV moves up to his speedwithout provoking opportunity attacks
Legendary Action 2Binding Staff (Costs 2 Actions)Augustin IV uses his binding staff,expending charges as normal
Legendary Action 3Soulsworn Summoning (Costs 2 Actions)Augustin IV summons 1d4 ghosts to aid him in battle
Legendary Action 4Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions)Augustin IV casts a spell from the list of spells he has prepared,expending a spell slot as normal


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