Fiend Hunter Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Fiend Hunter

For the people of Innistrad, the Church of Avacyn is the major source of protection from the creatures of the night. Just as the priests of the church provide spiritual protection, the members of the cathars defend against physical threats such as vampires and werewolves.   However, the cathars aren't the only line of defense for the Avacynian Chruch, though they are the most numerous. Several others, smaller, organizations also exist within the church, each dedicated to fighting evil in their own ways. Of these, the brotherhood known as the Fiend Hungers are the most successful in their mission, providing for the common defense in those lands where even members of the church fear to walk.   Hunters in the Borderlands Though cathar strongholds and fortresses dot the land of Innistrad, there are still several places where there reach does not extend. In the furthest woods of Kessig, the foothills of Stensia, and the numerous islands far off the coast of of Nephalia, the cathar's presence is weak, and it is here where the Fiend Hunters excel.   While members of the cathars are the closest thing that Innistrad has to soldiers, fiend hunters are more like rangers and mercenaries. Cathars defend the people of Innistrad against threats that encroach on their land, guarding the walls of civilization, but fiend hunters seek out their foes, entering their dens and hunting grounds to bring the fight to the forces of darkness. As opposed to the strict teamwork taught to cathars, fiend hunters are trained in methods of independence, knowing that once they leave for the battlefield they will rarely, if ever, receive reinforcements.   Religious Dedication Because the Fiend Hunters mostly work alone, they place an equal amount of importance on the holy blessings granted by Avacyn and her angels as they do on skill with a blade. Every fiend hunter can call upon divine magic to protect themselves from harm, divine the location of hidden evils, and bring radiant light down to smite their foes, putting the Fiend Hunters on a level on strength totally separate from the cathars.   Even though a fiend hunter will likely be alone in the field, without help or aid, their quarry is rarely as hindered. More than likely, where a fiend hunter finds one monster, it will find others. To help even the odds, a fiend hunter's most important tool are the magical chains of radiant light that they can summon to bind their enemies. These chains are a divine gift from Avacyn herself, capable of containing all but the most powerful of evils, and summoned by striking a creature with the famous stone hammer that each fined hunter carries with them at all times. Made from solid stone, filled with slivers of silver, these weapons have been blessed by some of Avacyn's greatest priests explicitly for the purpose of smiting evil wherever a fiend hunter finds it.  

Fiend Hunter

For the people of Innistrad, the Church of Avacyn is the major source of protection from the creatures of the night. Just as the priests of the church provide spiritual protection, the members of the cathars defend against physical threats such as vampires and werewolves.
However, the cathars aren't the only line of defense for the Avacynian Chruch, though they are the most numerous. Several others, smaller, organizations also exist within the church, each dedicated to fighting evil in their own ways. Of these, the brotherhood known as the Fiend Hungers are the most successful in their mission, providing for the common defense in those lands where even members of the church fear to walk.

Armor Class16 (chain mail)
Hit Points 1d8+30
Speed30 ft.
Strength17 (+3)
Dexterity13 (+1)
Constitution16 (+3)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom18 (+4)
Charisma13 (+1)
SkillsReligion d20+7 Survival d20+7
SensesPassive Perception 14
Challenge5 (1,800 XP)
Special 1Binding ChainsWhen the fiend hunter hits a creature with its maul,if the target is a fiend, humanoid,
shapechanger, or undead, it must succeed ona DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or berestrained by magical chains of light for 1 minute.At the start of each of the restrained creature's turns,
it can repeat the saving throw,taking 1d6 radiant damage on a failed save,or ending the effect on a success.The fiend hunter can only have one creature at a time restrained in this way
Special 2Magic WeaponsThe fiend hunter's weapon attacks are magical
Special 3SpellcastingThe fiend hunter is a 4th-level spellcaster.Its spellcasting ability is Wisdom
(spell save DC 15, d20+7 to hit with spell attacks).it has the following cleric spells prepared
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)GuidanceResistance
Sacred flameWord of radiance
Spells 21st level (4 slots)CommandGuiding bolt
Protection from evil and goodSanctuary
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)Blindness/DeafnessHold person
Prayer of healingSpiritual weapon
Action 1MultiattackThe fiend hunter makes two attacks with its maul
Action 2MaulMelee Weapon Attack d20+6 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 2d6+3 bludgeoning damage
Action 3Healing Potion (3/day)The fiend hunter regains 2d4+2 hit points


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