Elder of Laurels Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Elder of Laurels

When the archangel Avacyn rose to prominence, her presence ushered in a new era for Innistrad, where the old ways were cast aside for the unconditional benevolence of Avacyn's protection. Many of Innistrad's people and villages laid to rest traditions that were hundreds of years old, willingly freeing themselves of these burdens. Others in Innistrad were not so quick to accept Avacyn's changes, and clung to their superstitions fiercely. And in some of these places, as Avacyn's protection proved true, their old ways began to blend with the new. In the forests of Kessig, the position of the elder of laurels is one of these old traditions, given new life and power through Avacyn's guidance.   Safety in Numbers The majority of the towns and hamlets in Kessig each have an elder of laurels, who is meant to serve the town as a bastion of faith and prosperity. Always selected from locals who also serve the Church of Avacyn, the elder of laurels uses magic rituals innately tied to Kessig's natural ruggedness. By combining druidic techniques with Avacyn's real power, the elder of laurels can protect and serve their community. The do to by ensuring good crop yields, cleansing poison and sickness from the town, and healing those who are injured.   Darker History While today the elder of laurels serves the Avacynian Church, and is often a well-beloved and respected profession, this was not always so. In bygone days, before Avacyn came Innistrad and reorganized the angels, the elder of laurels was a feared title, passed upon the previous elder's death to a successor they would choose ahead of time. In those times, the elder of laurels performed the same duties they do today, but their power came from a different source. To keep their druidic magic strong, and appease the nature spirits who taught them their secrets, the elder of laurels was required to sacrifice one villager every year. This sacrifice would be sent in the forest, to face the spirts of nature alone and unarmed, returning only if they could successfully face the challenge. If they could not, they would be taken forever, and transformed into a spirt.   Because of the nature the challenge, once each year the town would hold a competition, where contestants preformed in challenges of skill and strength. The winner, the villager deemed most fit to face the challenge of nature, would be given the elder's blessing, and crowned with a ring of laurels. Most who faced the nature spirits never returned, and those who did were almost always selected again for the next year, in hopes they could replicate their fate. Few ever could.  

Elder of Laurels

When the archangel Avacyn rose to prominence, her presence ushered in a new era for Innistrad, where the old ways were cast aside for the unconditional benevolence of Avacyn's protection. Many of Innistrad's people and villages laid to rest traditions that were hundreds of years old, willingly freeing themselves of these burdens. Others in Innistrad were not so quick to accept Avacyn's changes, and clung to their superstitions fiercely. And in some of these places, as Avacyn's protection proved true, their old ways began to blend with the new. In the forests of Kessig, the position of the elder of laurels is one of these old traditions, given new life and power through Avacyn's guidance.

Armor Class10
Hit Points 10d8+10
Speed35 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution13 (+1)
Intelligence11 (+0)
Wisdom17 (+3)
Charisma16 (+3)
SkillsReligion d20+6
SensesPassive Perception 13
Challenge6 (2,300 XP)
Special 1Local GuardianThe saving throw DC for spells cast by the elderincreased by 1 for each allied creature within 30 ft. of the elder
Special 2SpellcastingThe elder is a 9th-level spellcaster.Its spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 14.)
It has the following cleric spells prepared
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)GuidanceResistance
Spare the dyingThaumaturgy
Spells 21st level (4 slots)BlessHealing word
Protection from evil and goodSanctuary
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)AidPrayer of healing
Protection for poison
Spells 43rd level (3 slots)DaylightMass healing word
Spirit guardians
Spells 54th level (1 slot)Guardian of faith
ActionQuarterstaffMelee Weapon Attack d20+3 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d10 bludgeoning damage
ReactionTown's Blessing (Recharge 4-6)When an allied creature that the elder can seewithin 30 ft. makes an attack roll or saving throw,
the elder can use its reaction to grant the allied creaturea bonus to the roll equal to the number of creatures within 30 ft. of the elder


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