El-Hajjaj Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Vampires as they are known on other planes are incredibly rare, if not entirely extinct on Rabiah. With long, unbroken stretches of flat desert and shining sun, these creatures of the night find it difficult to travel far from their resting place without risking death. But the lack of vampires on Rabiah leaves a convenient ecological niche, one filled by a fey known as the el-hajjaj. Similar to the traditional vampire in there hatred of the sunlight, both drain the life force of other creatures, and through this process both procreate.   Secrets Buried in the Deserts Traditional vampires fear the touch of the sunlight, which burns and blisters their skin to the point of death. But while the el-hajjaj are rendered weak by the touch of the sun, it can not kill them, and when necessary these dark spirits can go about their business in daylight hours. This fact can allow an el-hajjaj to exist in a community undetected for long stretches of time, subtly draining the life from others to empower themselves. When not keeping up their masquerade, such as during travel from one city to the next, the el-hajjaj may often bury itself beneath the sands of the dunes to await nightfall. Travelers that step to close to these sleeping fey might find themselves suddenly pulled below the sand as well, face to face with a nightmare.   Descendants of Another Time The ability of the el-hajjaj to live and work in the sunlight may be an extension of the fact that unlike normal vampires, the el-hajjaj are not undead. These creatures at not born of the corpses they leave in their wake, but instead created in a deliberate process performed by another el-hajjaj Created in this way, each el-hajjaj can trace their lineage through an unbroken line, though few ever bother to learn the full length of there progenitors. But at the end of every family line for the el-hajjaj is a single, famous individual, the man from which the el-hajjaj race take their names. El-hajjaj was a famous alchemist who lived centuries ago in a time of unrest, and fought against his own daughter to prevent her from conquering Rabiah. While El-hajjaj was apparently killed in battle, in truth his necromantic alchemy allowed him to survive what should have been is death. But as an unforeseen consequence, El-hajjaj was transformed into a creature forced to drain the life force of others in order to remain living. El-Hajjaj still wanders Rabiah today, and though he is rarely seen, his presence is felt in the legacy his alchemy has left behind.   Longing for Normalcy While the el-hajjaj are foul creatures, many of them still remember fondly the lives they had before their transformation. Many never asked for what they see as a curse borne upon them, and seek to live lives as close to normal as possible. The el-hajjaj use their time in the sunlight to live as they once did, before their transformation, going as long as they can without feeding and living a lie. But inevitably their hunger and loneliness overcomes them, and when it does it often leads to disaster for others more innocent than them.  


Vampires as they are known on other planes are incredibly rare, if not entirely extinct on Rabiah. With long, unbroken stretches of flat desert and shining sun, these creatures of the night find it difficult to travel far from their resting place without risking death. But the lack of vampires on Rabiah leaves a convenient ecological niche, one filled by a fey known as the el-hajjaj. Similar to the traditional vampire in there hatred of the sunlight, both drain the life force of other creatures, and through this process both procreate.

Armor Class15 (natural armor)
Hit Points 10d6+30
Speed30 ft.Fly 40 ft.
Strength15 (+2)
Dexterity18 (+4)
Constitution17 (+3)
Intelligence13 (+1)
Wisdom17 (+3)
Charisma18 (+4)
Saving ThrowsDexterity d20+7 Charisma d20+7
SkillsDeception d20+7 Stealth d20+7
Damage ResistancesPsychicBludgeoningPiercing
Slashing from nonmagcal attacks
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 13
Telepathy 90 ft.
Challenge6 (2300 XP)
Special 1Legendary ResistancesOnce per day, if the el-hajjaj fails a saving throw,it can choose to succeed instead
Special 2Sunlight SensitivityWhile in sunlight, the el-hajjaj has a disadvantage on attack rolls,as well as on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight
Action 1MultiattackThe el-hajjaj uses its siphoning touch twice
Action 2Siphoning TouchMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one target or one willing creatureHit 1d8+4 bludgeoning damage.The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw,taking 4d8+3 necrotic damage on a failed save.
The el-hajjaj regains a number of hit points equal to half the necrotic damage dealt
Action 3Charm (Recharge 5-6)One creature within 60 feet of the el-hajjaj which it can seeand that can see it must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw.
On a failed save, the target is charmed by the el-hajjaj.Creatures charmed by the el-hajjaj willingly follow orders it gives,as long as the orders are not dangerous to the creature or its allies.The only exception is that a creature is charmed by the el-hajjaj
is a willing target of its siphoning touch.A charmed creature can repeat the saving throwat the end of each of its turns,ending the effect on a success
Action 4Psychic ConversionThe el-hajjaj touches a charmed creature that it has damaged with its siphoning touch.The target must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
or be transformed after 24 hours into an el-hajjaj under the control of the original.The process can be stopped during this time throughthe use of a remove curse or greater restoration spell


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