Diamond Valley Geographic Location in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Diamond Valley

On Rabiah, expensive jewels and precious stones are bought, sold, and traded like candy. Gems which would fetch fortunes on other planes might be sold for a mere pittance on Rabiah, depending on the market. In the desert sands of Rabiah, finding jewels is so common that even beautiful diamonds cost half as much as they normally would. For the people of Rabiah, owning a fortune of jewels is an easy task, and even the poorest might wear garb of fine decoration. All of Rabiah's jewels are a mere pittance. All jewels, that is, except for those found in one single place.    In a far-flung corner of Rabiah, a small valley serves as the home to it's most famous jewel mine. Plumbed from the depths of this mine are gems and stones of the finest quality, unparalleled on Rabiah, and worth a king's ransom on their own anywhere else. But of highest importance is that the jewels from this mine are the only ones which serve properly as the ingredients required for alchemy- all others fail in any given recipe. Once known as the Diamond Mountain, the land here has been mined for almost ten thousand years with no end in sight, to the extent that the "mountain" is now the lowest point of altitude for miles. Now given to the name of Diamond Valley, the Safar family has owned this land for as long as its riches have been famous, easily making them the richest people on Rabiah. With such riches they have no desire to become kings or emperors, but are all the same treated as such by true rulers and royals.     Geological and nature alchemists frequently visit the mine to study its composition, hoping to unravel the secrets behind the mine's plenty.Each one comes away with the same conclusions- after intense study, its been found that the diamonds in the Diamond Valley form over short centuries, sometimes even decades for the smallest and roughest. A process of intense heat and pressure, taking place over millennia, distilled into a few generations. Despite this, no earthquakes or volcanic activity has ever been recorded at the Diamond Valley, leaving a baffling mystery for alchemists which has never been solved.    But the secret of the mines within Diamond Valley is known, by the patriarchs, leaders, and most trusted members of the Safar family. Many thousands of years ago, the Safar family produced the most spectacular alchemical genius of a generation, Asim Al'Safaar, one whose skill the world of Rabiah has seen only a handful of times. When Asim found the elixir of life remained beyond his grasp, he turned his genius towards making sure that his family would remain the most important family in the minds of Rabiah's people. Decades of intense study and research, preparation and planning, all led Asim to concocting a single alchemical ritual which would forever alter the geology of Rabiah. Asim's ritual which succeeded, rendering all present and future gems of Rabiah inert for magical rituals, while ensuring that perfect and pure magical jewels would forever continue to form under the only piece of property his family owned-a fallow and barren section of desert, home only to a rocky mountain, bought by Asim's father in a sour deal.     Asim's dreams came true, and though the first diamonds took decades to form, his family was not at risk of selling land that no one else wanted, and the first batch changed the lives of the Safar family forever. But Asim's true goal is creating the Diamond Mountain was never achieved, Asim sought to be forever remembered as one of Rabiah's greatest ever alchemists. But the Safar family, worried that someone would be able to replicate the same ritual as Asim, instead hid the alchemist's actions, relegating Asim to be little more than a footnote in the expanding history of his now-great family.


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