Demonic Tutor Spell in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Demonic Tutor

You feel the memory of a well-prepared spell fade from your mind, only to be replaced with a sudden remembrance of how to cast another. You lose one spell which you have prepared, and may replace it with any other spell which you know but do not already have prepared.  
3rd Level Transmutation
Casting Time 1 Action (Ritual)
Range Self
Components Vocal
Duration Instantaneous
Classes Wizard
  Demonic Tutor


You feel the memory of a well-prepared spell fade from your mind, only to be replaced with a sudden remembrance of how to cast another.

Side/Secondary Effects

You lose one spell which you have prepared, and may replace it with any other spell which you know but do not already have prepared.


Class Source 
Wizard Added to spell repertoire each morning
Gestures & Ritual
You feel the memory of a well-prepared spell fade from your mind, only to be replaced with a sudden remembrance of how to cast another.
Related School
Effect Duration
Effect Casting Time
1 Action (Ritual)


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