Daxos of Meletis Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Daxos of Meletis

As a child, Daxos' family believed him to be deaf and mute- the boy never responded, not even to his name, and had never said a word in his life. At best, Daxos never seemed fully there; at worst, it was believed that the boy might even have been born without a soul.   It would take several years, and a great tragedy, before Daxos' truth would be revealed- Daxos was neither deaf nor mute, but an oracle, a rare child born with the gift to communicate directly with the gods. But while other oracles are born with a connection to a singular god, Daxos held the unique ability to perceive the entire pantheon of Theros at once.   Into the Dark Though Daxos' mother, Lidia loved her child as any mother would, his apparent inability to hear and speak left her worried for the boy's future. When her son began to exclusively spend his time outside, weaving strange patterns into the air with his fingers, she feared the worst- that while her son had survived his birth, his soul had not, and had already been taken to the Underworld. With no other option, Lidia took Daxos to the Shrine of Athreos, hoping to bargain for her son's lost soul.   It was during the journey that Daxos said his first word; and that Lidia, herself an oracle, looked into her son's eyes and saw the truth of his future. And when she saw, so did the gods.   Into the Sun Daxos only managed to leave the Underworld thanks to his mother, who bargained her own life for his. Returning to the surface, alone and misunderstood, Daxos knew what must happen- he traveled to the Temple of Heliod in Meletis, where he received the sun god's blessing, becoming one of Heliod's faithful.   Daxos spent the rest of his childhood at the temple, training body and mind. He hoped to become a link between gods and mortals, strengthening their connection and defending mortals from the gods' ire. When the mighty hydra Polukranos began to rampage across Theros. Daxos went to fight it, meeting the planeswalker Elspeth there and working with her to slay the beast.   After the fight, Elspeth was raised as Heliod's champion, and she began to train with Daxos in matters of faith and war. Together, they fought many battles, including against Mogis' slaughter hordes in the siege of Akros. It was after the victory there that they two realized their love, and it was after their confession that the planeswalker Xenagos shattered Elspeth's mind, tricking her into slaying Daxos with her own weapon.  

Daxos of Meletis

As a child, Daxos' family believed him to be deaf and mute- the boy never responded, not even to his name, and had never said a word in his life. At best, Daxos never seemed fully there; at worst, it was believed that the boy might even have been born without a soul.
It would take several years, and a great tragedy, before Daxos' truth would be revealed- Daxos was neither deaf nor mute, but an oracle, a rare child born with the gift to communicate directly with the gods. But while other oracles are born with a connection to a singular god, Daxos held the unique ability to perceive the entire pantheon of Theros at once.

Armor Class13
Hit Points 14d8+42
Speed30 ft.
Strength18 (+4)
Dexterity17 (+3)
Constitution17 (+3)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom22 (+6)
Charisma14 (+2)
Saving ThrowsStrength d20+7 Dexterity d20+6
SkillsAthletics d20+7 Insight d20+9 Perception d20+9
SensesTruesight 30 ft.Passive Perception 19
Challenge8 (3,900 XP)
Special 1Innate SpellcastingDaxos' innate spellcasting ability is Wisdom(spell save DC 17, d20+9 to hit with spell attacks).
He can innately cast the following spells requiring no material components:
Spells 1At willSacred FlameDivine Favor
Shield of Faith
Spells 23/day eachAidThunderous Smite
Spells 32/day eachDispel MagicSpiritual Weapon
Spells 41/day eachBlinding SmiteDivination
Special 2Divine LinesWhenever Daxos hits a creature with a weapon attack,if the target is a spellcaster,
he can choose one spell that the target knows and has prepared.Daxos regains 1d8 hit points per level of the spell,and until the end of Daxos' next turn,he can cast the spell as if it were on the list of spells that he innately knows.
Daxos can choose each spell only once per long rest
Action 1MultiattackDaxos makes three attacks with his longsword
Action 2LongswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d8+4 slashing damage,or 1d10+4 slashing damage if wielded with two hands
ReactionSwift Strike (3/day)When Daxos makes a melee attack and misses,he can use his reaction to cause the attack to hit instead,
dealing half as much damage if it does
Legendary ActionsDaxos of Meletis can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Daxos regains spent legendary actions at the start of his next turn
Legendary Action 1LongswordDaxos makes a single attack with his longsword
Legendary Action 2Cast a Spell (Costs 2 Actions)Daxos casts a spell from the list of spells that he can innately cast
Legendary Action 3Glimpse the Divine (Costs 3 Actions)Daxos looks toward the gods,searching the starry depths of Nyx for hints about what was,
what is, and what will be. Roll a d20 , and record the result.Until the end of Daxos' next turn,whenever he or another creature within 30 feet rolls a d20,he can choose to replace that roll with the recorded one.
He can choose to do this after the tool is made.If the result is 20, Daxos can instead replace two differentrolls before the end of his next turn


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