Damia, Sage of Stone Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Damia, Sage of Stone

Damia, Sage of Stone is a legendary gorgon wizard from an unknown plane.Usually, gorgons haven't many allies. However, many seek out the gorgon sage Damia, whose breadth of magical knowledge rivals that of any archmage—and whose prices cut deep. She herself is a bit of a riddle. Even if she lairs in a vault of lore, she owns few scrolls or tomes herself. She has access to a library of secrets, but she surrounds herself with bottles, jars, and powders. She is known to answer the queries of curious travelers, but she is also known for her statuary of petrification victims, composed of those who have thought of forcing secrets out of her.  

Damia, Sage of Stone

Damia, Sage of Stone is a legendary gorgon wizard from an unknown plane.

Armor Class17 (natural armor)
Hit Points 30d8+90
Speed30 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity15 (+2)
Constitution17 (+3)
Intelligence22 (+6)
Wisdom19 (+4)
Charisma19 (+4)
Saving ThrowsConstitution d20+10 Wisdom d20+11 Charisma d20+11
SkillsArcana d20+13 Deception d20+11 Insight d20+11
Stealth d20+9
SensesDarkvision 60 ft.Passive Perception 14
Challenge24 (62000 XP)
Special 1When Damia hits a creature during an attack,the target's maximum hit points are reduced by an amount equal to the damage dealt.This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
The target dies immediately if it hits point maximum is reduced to 0
Special 2Nimble EscapeDamia can take the Disengage or Hide actionas a bonus action on each of her turns
Special 3Sneak AttackWhen Damia hits a creature with a melee or a spell attack,if Damia has an advantage on the attack roll,
the attack deals an additional 4d6 damage.Damia does not need advantage on the attack rollif another hostile creature is within 5 ft. of the target,that creature isn't incapacitated,
and Damia doesn't have a disadvantage on the attack roll
Special 4SpellcastingDamia is a 20th-level spellcaster.Her spellcasting ability is Intelligence
(spell save DC 21, d20+13 to hit with spell attacks.)She has the following Wizard spells prepared
Spells 1Cantrips (at will)Chill touchFrostbite
Green-flame bladeRay of frostShocking grasp
Spells 21st level (4 slots)Color sprayDetect magic
Magic missileWitch bolt
Spells 32nd level (3 slots)Mirror imagePhantasmal force
Shadow blade
Spells 43rd level (3 slots)ClairvoyanceFear
Major image
Spells 54th level (3 slots)Arcane eyeLocate creature
Greater invisibility
Spells 65th level (3 slots)Legend loreScrying
Wall of light
Spells 76th level (2 slots)Chain lightningTrue seeing
Spells 87th level (2 slots)Force cageMordenkainen's sword
Spells 98th level (1 slot)Maddening darkness
Spells 109th level (1 slot)Foresight
Action 1MultiattackDamia uses her Gaze of Stone,then makes three attacks with her snake hair
Action 2Gaze of StoneDamia forces one creature within 30 ft. that can see her makea DC 18 Constitution saving throw.
If the saving throw fails by 5 or more,the creature is instantly petrified.Otherwise, a creature that fails the save begins to turn to stone and is restrained.The restrained creature must repeat the saving throw at the end of its next turn,
becoming petrified on a failure or ending the effect on a success.If the restrained creature successfully ends the effect on itself,it becomes immune to Damia's Gaze of Stone for one hour.The petrification lasts until the creature is freed by
the greater restoration spell or other magic
Action 3Snake HairMelee Weapon Attack d20+9 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 2d4+2 piercing damageplus 6d6 poison damage and the target must makea DC 18 Constitution saving throw.
On a failed save, the target has a disadvantage on saving throwsmade to resist spells cast by Damia until the end of Damia's next turn
Legendary ActionsDamia, Sage of Stone can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Damia regains spent legendary actions at the start of her turn
Legendary Action 1Snake HairDamia makes one attack with her snake hair
Legendary Action 2Gaze of Stone (Costs 2 Actions)Damia uses her Gaze of Stone
Legendary Action 3Search the Stones (Costs 2 Actions)Damia casts one divination spell from the list of spellsshe has prepared expending a spell slot as normal
Legendary Action 4Cast a Spell (Costs 3 Actions)Damia casts one spell from the list of spells she has prepared,expending a spell slot as normal


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