Boon Satyr Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Boon Satyr

Though the majority of satyrs worship at the altars of Purphoros, the god of wild passions, there are still many who choose to give their devotion to Nylea, the god of the hunt. Though slightly more controlled than their more fiery cousins, these satyrs are still wild and chaotic, choosing to serve Nylea's aspect as the god of the wilds, and showing their devotion as talented hunters and scouts.   Fleet-Footed Warriors When a satyr faithful to Nylea's cause manages to garner the favor of their goddess, Nylea commonly blesses them by granting them membership into her elite group of celestial hunters. Known as boon satyrs, those given this exclusive privilege are marked not only by the star-filled shadows that cloak them but also by their golden capes and rune-marked weapons carved of stone.   Satyrs that hunt for the glory of Nylea usually serve as forward scouts for the other hunters, using their nimble and sure-footed hooves to seek out hiding prey. Once the target of the hunt is sighted, a boon satyr will strike with quick but shallow cuts from their blades, flushing the quarry out and forcing it to flee, if the prey refuses to flee, the boon satyr might move to take the kill for itself, or else take leave to alert its fellow hunters of the quarry's location.   Gift of Travel Nylea rarely uses satyrs as her emissaries to the world of mortals, using them only when she needs to contact other satyrs, or in the case that a famed scout or member of a vanguard should need her personal attention. Even more rare are the times that a boon satyr might choose to bestow its own power into a mortal.   When these blessings do occur, the beneficiary can expect to receive all the strength, cunning, and quick reflexes one would expect of a satyr in service to Nylea. Those who have experienced these blessings describe a feeling of unparalleled freedom, so powerful they feel as if they could jump over mountains- and thanks to the work of the blessing, many are delighted to find that they can do just that.  

Boon Satyr

When a satyr faithful to Nylea's cause manages to garner the favor of their goddess, Nylea commonly blesses them by granting them membership into her elite group of celestial hunters. Known as boon satyrs, those given this exclusive privilege are marked not only by the star-filled shadows that cloak them but also by their golden capes and rune-marked weapons carved of stone.

Armor Class15 (leather armor)
Hit Points 14d8+28
Speed40 ft.
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity18 (+4)
Constitution14 (+2)
Intelligence12 (+1)
Wisdom15 (+2)
Charisma17 (+3)
SkillsAcrobatics d20+7 Perception d20+5 Stealth d20+10
SensesPassive Perception 15
Challenge6 (2,300 XP)
Special 1Innate SpellcastingThe satyr's innate spellcasting ability isCharisma (spell save DC 14).
It can innately cast the following spells,requiring no material components:
At WillFeather FallJumpLongstrider
Special 2Magic ResistanceThe satyr has an advantage on saving throwsagainst spells and other magical effects
Special 3Sneak Attack (1/turn)The satyr deals an extra 2d6 damage when it hits a target with a weapon attackand has an advantage on the attack roll,
or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the satyrthat isn't incapacitated and the satyr doesn'thave disadvantage on the attack roll
Action 1MultiattackThe satyr makes three shortsword attacks
Action 2ShortswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5ft., one targetHit 1d6+4 slashing damage
Action 3BestowOnce per day, the satyr can touch a willing creature to bestow the target with its celestial essence,causing the satyr and any equipment it is carrying or wearing to meld into the target.
For the duration, the target gets a +3 bonus to all attack and damage rollsand can use an action to cast the jump spell at will.In addition, once per turn when the target hits a creature with a weapon attackand has an advantage on the attack roll,
the attack deals an additional 2d6 damage.The satyr bestows the target for 8 hours or until the target is reduced to 0 hit points.When the effect ends, the satyr reappears in arandomly chosen unoccupied space within 5 feet of the target
ReactionAmbushWhenever another creature enters a space within 5 feet of the satyr,the satyr can use its reaction to make a single melee weapon attack against that creature


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