Aryel, Knight of Windgrace Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Aryel, Knight of Windgrace

In its history, the swamp island of Urborg has been home to hundreds of dangerous assassin’s guilds, witch covens, and necromantic liches, each intent on controlling the whole of the island for themselves, and using its powerful natural magic to nefarious ends. Among these sources of darkness rose Lord Windgrace, a powerful panther catfolk, who brought order to the chaos of Urborg, establishing a group of knights known as the Windgrace Acolytes to help defend the realm, and prevent evil from rising again. Though Windgrace is gone, his knights survive, hanging on by a thread as they attempt to stem the tide of the Cabal’s evil.   Powerful Legacy Aryel bears the title of Knight of Windgrace, which marks her as one of the true inheritors of Windgrace’s legacy. Though the Windgrace Acolytes have faded, their mission lives on in Free Urborg, a rebellion group of humans and catfolk who resist the Cabal’s influence. Aryel is an important leader for this group, serving most often as the spearhead of attacks on Cabal forces, and using her connection to Windgrace’s legacy to lead her allies to new strength. Though the people she leads trust her, Aryel is still young, and often fears whether their trust is misplaced, or if there might be others better suited to her position.   Tragic Origin Aryel is a native of Urborg, born to an island filled with an evil which is constantly spreading, led by an all-powerful demon lord. As the only survivor in attack which wiped out her town and killed her family, Aryel fled into the deep jungle, seeking shelter in its thick growth. Here, Aryel found the remnants of the Windgrace Acolytes, and the Free Urborb resistance group. With no other choice, Aryel was raised among them, nurturing the hatred she held for the Cabal to bring her strength in the battle against them. As she grew older, it became clear that Aryel was marked as a true inheritor of Lord Windgrace, causing others to look to her for advice and leadership in times of tragedy and concern.   Spirit of Windgrace Aryel’s position as the true Knight of Windgrace is more than a title given to her by the remainder of the Windgrace Acolytes. Aryel is said to be guided by the spirit of Windgrace himself, still present in the forests of Urborg. Because of this, Aryel can summon the spirits of other knights who served Windgrace in years past, using their strength as her own. Aryel also frequently rides her trusted panther mount Rainer into battle, using her speed to effectively control the battlefield, and striking enemies with both sword and claw.  

Aryel, Knight of Windgrace

In its history, the swamp island of Urborg has been home to hundreds of dangerous assassin’s guilds, witch covens, and necromantic liches, each intent on controlling the whole of the island for themselves, and using its powerful natural magic to nefarious ends. Among these sources of darkness rose Lord Windgrace, a powerful panther catfolk, who brought order to the chaos of Urborg, establishing a group of knights known as the Windgrace Acolytes to help defend the realm, and prevent evil from rising again. Though Windgrace is gone, his knights survive, hanging on by a thread as they attempt to stem the tide of the Cabal’s evil.

Armor Class20 (Plate armor, Shield)
Hit Points 16d8+48
Speed30 ft.
Strength16 (+3)
Dexterity10 (+0)
Constitution16 (+3)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom15 (+2)
Charisma12 (+1)
Saving ThrowsStrength d20+7 Constitution d20+7 Wisdom d20+6
SkillsAnimal Handling d20+6 Athletics d20+7 Intimidation d20+5
Perception d20+6
SensesPassive Perception 16
Challenge10 (5900 XP)
Special 1Keen SightAryel has advantage on Wisdom(Perception) checks related to sight
Special 2Mounted CombatWhile mounted and not incapacitated,Ayrel has advantage on melee attack rolls
against any unmounted creature smaller than her mount,and can force an attack targeted at her mount to target her instead
Special 3VigilanceAryel can take any number of reactions in a round,but only one per turn
Action 1MultiattackIf mounted, Ayrel makes two attacks with her longswordand her mount makes one attack.
Otherwise, Ayrel makes three attacks with her longsword
Action 2LongswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d8+3 slashing damage
Action 3Valorous Assistance (Recharge 3-6)Ayrel summons a spectral knight,which appears in an unoccupied space within 5 feet.
This knight has the same statistics like the one foundon pg. 347 of the Monster Manual,except that it is a tabaxi anddoes not have the leadership action
Legendary ActionsAryel, Knight of Windgrace can take 3 legendary actions,choosing from the options below.Only one legendary action option can be used at a time
and only at the end of another creature's turn.Aryel regains spent legendaryactions at the start of her turn
Legendary Action 1Mount Attack (Only while mounted)Aryel's mount makes a single weapon attack
Legendary Action 2Valorous Call (Costs 2 Actions)Aryel uses her Valorous Assistance action,regardless of whether it has recharged or not
Legendary Action 3Valorous Strike (Costs 2 Actions)Aryel utters a special command,causing each knight within 60 feet that can hear her
to make a single weapon attack.Ayrel then makes a longsword attack


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