Angel of Flight Alabaster Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Angel of Flight Alabaster

In the dark lands in Innistrad, it is all too easy for the dead to become lost on their journey to the afterlife, and wander the Material Plane in confusion. Sometimes these spirits are angry and they lash out, sometimes they are evil and seek to hurt others, and so often they are afraid and search for a beacon to guide them. The Angels of Flight Alabaster, as they are known, are the guide that they're waiting for.   Beckon to the Afterlife The incredible savor, the angel by the name of Avacyn, founded the Angels of Flight Alabaster to watch over and safeguard the spirits of the dead, and to ensure they found their way to the Upper Planes, or the Lower Planes, as was deemed necessary. All the angles of this group are former Devas, once messengers to the Material Plane and infantry in the war against evil; but these Devas were determined by Avacyn to be suited to a better cause, and traded their weapons of war for staves to a better cause, and traded their weapons of war for staves of peace. To these angles falls the duty of traveling the whole of Innistrad, seeking out the wandering souls of the restless dead, and bringing them back to the places they are meant to forever remain, guiding them with kind words and a hopeful visage.   Duty to the Dead Granted sight into the ethereal realm, and the ability to shift between the Ethereal and Material Planes, the Angels of Flight Alabaster have always been in charge of dealing with spirits for the Church of Avacyn. But since the disappearance of their saintly leader, the Angels of Flight Alabaster have been forced to fall more and more into the role of battle angles once again, this time fighting against the same spirits of the dead they were once meant to guide. The forces of darkness gather their own spirits, and lead them into battle against the church and the humans in its care. With little other choice, the Angels of Flight Alabaster have taken to keeping companies of their own friendly spirits on standby, ready to be called into service for battle at a moment's notice. When these angels clash with a deafening silence.   Duty to the Fallen In spite of their steady shift back to the field of war, none of these angles ave given up on their previous work. Every one of them to a body works around the clock, never resting flitting between battling with their fellows and working to find and save the still-lost souls of the dead mortals. In these trying times, there are many more to deal with. On their own time, the Angels of Flight Alabaster carry out a secret work as well, asking each soul they guide to the afterlife whether it has seen Avacyn, or knows her whereabouts. The angles do this, not for the church, but to arm themselves with the hope that it may lead them to their lost champion. Without this hope, they fear they might fall to despair themselves.  

Angel of Flight Alabaster

In the dark lands in Innistrad, it is all too easy for the dead to become lost on their journey to the afterlife, and wander the Material Plane in confusion. Sometimes these spirits are angry and they lash out, sometimes they are evil and seek to hurt others, and so often they are afraid and search for a beacon to guide them. The Angels of Flight Alabaster, as they are known, are the guide that they're waiting for.

Armor Class16 (natural armor)
Hit Points 12d8+48
Speed30 ft.Fly 60 ft.
Strength16 (+3)
Dexterity16 (+3)
Constitution18 (+4)
Intelligence17 (+3)
Wisdom22 (+6)
Charisma20 (+5)
Saving ThrowsIntelligence d20+7 Wisdom d20+10
SkillsInsight d20+10 Religion d20+7 Persuasion d20+9
Damage ResistancesRadiantBludgeoningPiercing
Slashing from nonmagical weapons
Condition ImmunitiesCharmedExhaustionFrightened
SensesDarkvision 120 ft.Passive Perception 16
LanguagesAllTelepathy 120 ft.
Challenge10 (5900 XP)
Special 1Angelic WeaponsThe angel's weapon attacks are magical.When the angel hits with any weapon,
the weapon deals an extra 2d8 radiant damage (include in the attack)
Special 2Ethereal SightThe angel can see 60 ft. into the Ethereal Planewhen it is on the Material Plane, and vice-versa
Special 3Innate SpellcastingThe angel's spellcasting ability is Wisdom(spell save DC 18, d20+10 to hit with spell attacks.)
The angel can innately cast the following spells,requiring only somatic components:
Spells 1At willSpare the dyingSpeak with dead
Spells 22/dayGentle reposeRaise dead
Action 1QuarterstaffMelee Weapon Attack d20+7 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d8+3 bludgeoning damageplus 2d8 radiant damage
Action 2EtherealnessThe angel enters the Ethereal Plane from the Material Plane,and vice-versa. It is visible on the Material Plane
while it is in the Border Ethereal, and vice-versa,yet it can't affect or be affected by anything on the other plane
Action 3Guide the Spirits (Recharge 4-6)The angel summons 1d4 ghosts.These ghosts are friendly to the angel and its allies
and follow the angel's commands.If the angel does not command the ghosts,they defend themselves and the angel to the best of their ability
Action 4Healing Touch (3/day)The angel touches another creature.The target magically regains 2d8+6 hit points
and is freed from any curse, disease,poison, blindness, or deafness.If the target is undead,it instead regains 4d8+6 hit points


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