Ali Baba Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Ali Baba

The tale of Ali Baba, the famous rogue, is a popular one in Rabiah, and like all of Rabiah;s best stories, it is entirely true, derived from a figure of legend who existed many centuries ago. And as with stories of such a reverent age, the details have turned and twisted and changed over time, hiding secrets which only a few now remember. In the case of Ali Baba’s story, the secrets it hides deal with an unimaginable wealth of treasure, a band of astounding and daring thieves, and a single terrifyingly angry efreeti.   The Thief Who Could Walk Through Walls Like many thieves, Ali Baba began his criminal career in an attempt to better his lot in life, hoping to achieve riches which would allow him to live forever without worry. As time passed however, and Ali Baba got better and better at stealing, he began to enjoy the sheer thrill of taking from others what didn’t belong to him. One day, after being caught in the act of thieving, Ali Baba was chased into the desert by guards, and he was forced to hide in a cave. In this cave, Ali Baba found an enormous treasure, one large enough to keep him fed and happy for the rest of his days. But Ali Baba knew that such a treasure would not have been left for good, and that some day the owner of the treasure might return to it. But Ali Baba was such an incredible thief he had learned the secret to walking through walls, and in a moment of inspiration, Ali Baba built a wall in front of the cave entrance, and paid a wizard handsomely to disguise the wall and make it look like part of the cave itself. In this way, Ali Baba could walk into the cave any time he wanted, take a small part of the treasure, and walk back out just as easily, with the original owner of the treasure forced to believe it had disappeared.   Master of the Forty Thieves As time passed, Ali Baba grew bored of his posh life, and yearned for the life of danger and excitement he had led as a thief. And so Ali Baba took the treasure, and used it to hire forty of the best thieves in all of Rabiah, banding them together so that they could travel the countryside, pulling off daring and thrilling heists, and stealing and taking whatever they wanted. When Ali baba began to grow old, and his band of thieves grew ever larger, he knew that he could not keep the treasure a secret forever. And so Ali Baba took his five most trusted thieves, and began to teach them the secret of how to walk through walls. For their final test, Ali Baba demanded his thieves walk through a wall of solid stone. When they did, the thieves were greeted on the other side by a miraculous treasure, and Ali Baba explained to them the source of his great riches. Here the stories say that one thief, driven by greed for the treasure, trapped and kiled his friends to take Ali Baba’s riches for himself. But is is not so- all of Ali Baba’s thieves loved him dearly, and none would betray him. Ali Baba eventually died of old age, and when he had, his trusted friends continued the band of thieves on their own, keeping the treasure growing, passing the secret from generation to generation.   Treasure of the Efreeti So it came to be that one day, as a thief approached the treasure to take some of it out, he happened to see a powerful efreeti standing at the cave entrance, vexed at the wall he found. The thief carefully approached the efreeti, asking him what the trouble was, only to find the efreeti was the original owner of the treasure, come to claim it again. The clever thief played dumb, telling the efreeti that it must have gotten the location wrong. When the efreeti was looking at its map, the thief quickly fled and hid, running to tell his friends what he had discovered. There and then the thieves decided to share the knowledge of the treasure with the others in their band, as well as the secret to walking through walls, so that should the efreeti discover who they were and kill them, the secret of the treasure would not be lost. To make sure the efreeti could never find the thieves, they each took the name of Ali Baba for themselves, robbing even to this day in honor of the man who found their incredible band, and to keep the efreeti from ever discovering the truth behind their actions.  

Ali Baba

The tale of Ali Baba, the famous rogue, is a popular one in Rabiah, and like all of Rabiah;s best stories, it is entirely true, derived from a figure of legend who existed many centuries ago. And as with stories of such a reverent age, the details have turned and twisted and changed over time, hiding secrets which only a few now remember. In the case of Ali Baba’s story, the secrets it hides deal with an unimaginable wealth of treasure, a band of astounding and daring thieves, and a single terrifyingly angry efreeti.

Armor Class13
Hit Points 14d8+14
Speed30 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity17 (+3)
Constitution12 (+1)
Intelligence10 (+0)
Wisdom12 (+1)
Charisma10 (+0)
Saving ThrowsDexterity d20+5
SkillsPerception d20+3 Stealth d20+7 Sleight of Hand d20+7
Condition ImmunitiesSwaggedBuzzedWeak-kneed
SensesPassive Perception 13
LanguagesCommonAny one other
Challenge2 (450 XP)
Special 1PasswallAli Baba can move through walls as if they were difficult terrain.This ability does not function if the wall is more than 10 feet thick,
or contains at least 1 inch of lead.If Ali Baba ends its movement inside a wall,it takes 1d8 force damageand is shunted into the nearest unoccupied space
Special 2Sneak AttackOnce per turn when Ali Baba hits a creature with a melee weapon attack,if Ali Baba has an advantage on the attack roll,
or if there is an ally within 5 ft. of the target that isn't incapacitated,it can deal an additional 3d6 damage
Action 1RapierMelee Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Reach 5 ft., single targetHit 1d8+3 piercing damage
Action 2Hand CrossbowRanged Weapon Attack d20+5 to hit
Range 30/120, single targetHit 1d6+3 piercing damage


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