Aladdin Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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The plane of Rabiah has a story of a famous thief, who once stole a simple lamp which had value beyond all imagination. This plain brass lamp was the magical prison of an enslaved djinn, a creature with the power to great incredible wishes, and forced to follow the orders of whatever master held the lamp in their hands.   Tale as Old as Time The story of Aladdin is not just one tale, but many dozens of tales, strung together to form a picture of the life of a real historical figure. This thief, Aladdin, lived many centuries ago, and the story of his life is the oldest story on Rabiah, older even that that of Jafar or Shahrazad. Every culture knows of Aladdin, and every culture tells the same tale of his life, and every culture treats his descendants with a magically-compelled scorn. The many stories of Aladdin begin with his discovery of the magical lamp, and the many adventures which he went through after discovering the powers of the lamp. And just as the first story is always the same, so is the last.   A Friend Unlike Any Other The djinn which was trapped in the lamp Aladdin discovered had already been trapped for many hundreds of years when Aladdin found it. Forced to serve many dozens of masters, each worse than the last, the djinn had used his trickery and wiles to ensure that each master regretted the wishes they made, turning the wording of their desires against them, until they finally abandoned the lamp, and the djinn within, in a fit of rage. Unlike his other masters, Aladdin treated the djinn as an equal, asking rather than demanding, and working with the djinn to ensure that both were happy. Before naming his very first wish, Aladdin cut a deal with the djinn- serve until Aladdin’s death, at which point Aladdin would set the djinn free once and for all. The djinn could see the good in Aladdin’s heart, and agreed readily to this deal. Using the power of the djinn, Aladdin eventually became a powerful and well-respected man, and married the beautiful daughter of a sultan, leading Aladdin to become a sultan himself. The djinn spent many years with Aladdin, serving him faithfully as a friend rather than slave. When the time came, and Aladdin grew very old, he summoned the djinn once more. Expecting his freedom, the djinn was caught by surprise- Aladdin had become fearful of old age, and his many dozens of children and grandchildren feared their deaths as well. Here, in his final moments, Aladdin wished for immortality for himself and his descendents, trapping the djinn forever as a servant of Aladdin. This request enraged the djinn, as such a use of his power would render him forever weaker, marking him as lame in the eyes of his peers. But with no choice, the djinn followed his orders, and granted Aladdin his wish.   Regret of a Thousand Lifetimes Calling upon all of his trickery and wisdom, the djinn did something he had never before done to his friend Aladdin- he twisted the old thief’s wish. Full of righteous anger, the djinn granted Aladdin and his children immortality, but at the cost of their humanity. The djinn changed Aladdin and his kin into spirits of the sand, destined to spend their lives stealing, only to eventually lose all that would ever come into their possession, and to be forever hated by the people of Rabiah. At the time, Aladdin did not know this, only aware of how young and healthy he once again felt. Turning to his djinn friend, Aladdin thanked him, and fulfilled his promise. For Aladdin, his previous life had truly ended, and a new one had begun, and the thief felt his bargain must be kept- Aladdin released the djinn from his servitude, ganting his oldest friend his greatest wish, and thanking him for his years of companionship, both as servant and as truest friend. The djinn was immediately ashamed, and knew he should have trusted the bond he and Aladdin had kept for so many years. The djinn fled into the desert immediately, weeping as he did so, running away from Aladdin without explanation. When Aladdin discovered the deceit, he was not angry, but full of sorrow. Giving away his kingdom, Aladdin set off across the sands in search of his friend, desiring only to give the djinn his apologies for misleading him, and let his friend know that he was not angry. And Aladdin gave the same mission to his children, setting them on the same path to search for the lost djinn. And so to this day Aladdin and his children wander, and in an effort to lure out the djinn and remember their quest, each takes the name Aladdin upon adulthood, wandering from place to place, stealing what they need and putting it to good use before stealthily returning days, or weeks, later. And their tale is forever told by a sympathetic populace who has no choice but to hate them upon sight.  


The plane of Rabiah has a story of a famous thief, who once stole a simple lamp which had value beyond all imagination. This plain brass lamp was the magical prison of an enslaved djinn, a creature with the power to great incredible wishes, and forced to follow the orders of whatever master held the lamp in their hands.

Armor Class12 (natural armor)
Hit Points 16d6
Speed30 ft.
Strength10 (+0)
Dexterity12 (+1)
Constitution10 (+0)
Intelligence14 (+2)
Wisdom17 (+3)
Charisma16 (+3)
Saving ThrowsWisdom d20+6 Charisma d20+6
SkillsAcrobatics d20+7 Perception d20+6 Persuasion d20+6
Damage ResistancesPsychic
Condition ImmunitiesFrightened
SensesPassive Perception 16
Challenge8 (3900 XP)
SpecialMind ShieldAladdin is immune to all spellsand other magical abilities that would allow a creature to read its mind
Action 1ScimitarMelee Weapon Attack d20+4 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d6+1 slashing damage
Action 2Artificial Theft (Recharge 5-6)Aladdin automatically attunes to a magical itemit can see within 120 feet.
If another creature was already attuned to the magical item,their attunement is automatically broken.The magical item animates, gaining a fly speed of 60 feet,and immediately moves to be within 5 feet of Aladdin.
On each of its turns, Aladdin can use a bonus action to command the item,which acts as if it were being held - for example,a shield can provide a benefit to AC,or a magic weapon can make attacks.
Any attacks made by an item in this way usesAladdin's Charisma modifier for the attack and damage roll


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