Akroan Crusader Species in Other Realms | World Anvil
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Akroan Crusader

Famous across all of Theros for its elite fighting force, the polis and soldiers of Akros are almost a myth unto themselves. Akros' position as a barrier between Theros and the monster-infested mountains around it means that every Therosian knows of the power of Akros, but rarely do its fighters leave the polis, except to venture into the badlands that surround their fortress-city. Such lack of contact has left much of Theros' everyday people to only speculate as to what members of the Akroan army are truly like. The other citizens of Akros, for their part, are only more than willing to help the rumors of their strength grow.   Defensive Cornerstone While the strength of the Akroan army is partly due to the polis' focus on honing the body and mind of all citizens, part of its strategy for success is simply in the organization they use. In the armies of the other poleis, each soldier is seen as an equal, and large groups are commanded by generals promoted due to circumstance of birth or privilege of wealth. The polis of Akros forgoes this system, allowing their soldiers to be led by those who command the most respect with battlefield strategy.   Promotion within the Akroan army is based not on birth, but on the natural ability to lead. Akroan soldiers each choose who they want to lead under, making the decision for themselves who they trust to guide them in battle. The ranks of the Akroan army are based on how many soldiers a commander leads, and how many soldiers follow those who have pledged service to them. The base rank of leadership in the Akroan army is the crusader, who leads anywhere between twenty and thirty soldiers.   Blessed by Iroas When an Akroan soldier rises in rank, they aren't just given the privilege of leadership. The ranks of the Akroan army also mark how much favor they are given by Iroas, the God of Victory. As the god is in charge of who wins in battle, who lives instead of dies, Iroas is very important to Akros and is the patron deity of the polis. In order for a soldier to be promoted, the men under their command must petition the king for the right, and once a soldier is given the right of promotion by the king of Akros, they must partake of a ritual in Iroas' temple. There the god himself has the final say over who is given the honor of leadership and blessed by Iroas' priests.   For each rank an Akroan soldier rises, the power of Iroas' blessings increases, granting both enhanced physical strength as well as the ability to command minor divine miracles.  

Akroan Crusader

Famous across all of Theros for its elite fighting force, the polis and soldiers of Akros are almost a myth unto themselves. Akros' position as a barrier between Theros and the monster-infested mountains around it means that every Therosian knows of the power of Akros, but rarely do its fighters leave the polis, except to venture into the badlands that surround their fortress-city. Such lack of contact has left much of Theros' everyday people to only speculate as to what members of the Akroan army are truly like. The other citizens of Akros, for their part, are only more than willing to help the rumors of their strength grow.

Armor Class18 (breastplate, shield)
Hit Points 4d8+8
Speed30 ft.
Strength14 (+2)
Dexterity14 (+2)
Constitution15 (+2)
Intelligence11 (+0)
Wisdom13 (+1)
Charisma14 (+2)
SkillsAthletics d20+4 Acrobatics d20+4
SensesPassive Perception 11
Challenge1 (200 XP)
Special 1HeroicWhenever the crusader becomes the target of a spell or magically ability,its Battle Cry automatically recharges
Special 2Pack TackticsThe crusader has an advantage on an attack rollagainst a creature if at least one of the crusader's
allies is within 5 feet of the creatureand the ally isn't incapacitated
Special 3SpellcastingThe crusader is a 1st-level spellcaster.Its spellcasting ability is Charisma.
The crusader has the following Paladin spells prepared
Spells1st level (2 slots)BlessDivine favor
Action 1ShortswordMelee Weapon Attack d20+4 to hit
Reach 5 ft., one targetHit 1d6+2 slashing damage
Action 2Battle Cry (Recharge 6)The crusader lets loose a fierce battle cry.Each of the crusader's allies within 30 feet
that can hear it can use a reaction to make a single melee weapon attack.In addition, at the end of the crusader's next turn,an Akron soldier enters the battlefield,rolling initiative and taking turns as normal.
Use the statistics for a guard to represent the soldier


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