Havikkelhel Organization in Oszmorthorn: Rise of the Monsters | World Anvil
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Havikkelhel refers to the Kruhlmaak Goblin pantheon of deities, and the realm of the main Kruhlmaak deities, Vorskad, Rokk, and Eyridda. In Kruhlmaak mythology, Havikkelhel is a beautiful, primal world where Vorskad, Eyridda, and Rokk preside over mortal affairs from their halls and temples. Drekagnuur, the great hall that sits at the height of Havikkelhel, is the one most widely celebrated among Kruhlmaak tribes.   Kruhlmaak who die gloriously in battle, or those Eyridda takes pity on, return to the mortal realm as Yryllmaak, seeking endless war against their enemies.   Kruhlmaak tribes began to worship Havikkelhel following the fall of the Bloodsworn, Kruhlmaak who had allied themselves with the residing Erd-Honn Dwarves. The leader of the Bloodsworn, King Gaahik, secured a trade agreement with the Erd-Honn in exchange for information about the Kruhlmaak tribes under his reign. Velvik, one of Gaahik's bodyguards, was unsatisfied with the agreement, and following a prophetic vision granted to him by Eyridda, fled with a group of like-minded dissenters. When the Erd-Honn, using the information Gaahik had given them, began raids on each of the Kruhlmaak, Velvik returned to defend his people. Although he fell during the journey to each settlement, he was raised as a yryllmaak to continue his war against the Dwarves. After successfully repelling them, Velvik returned to Gaahik and executed him for cowardice and treason against his own people.   Following these events, Velvik swore he would honour the deities presence with worship. The Vuulkokknar, the Kruhlmaak warrior's code of honour, was drafted and created by the newly formed Warbringers.

Mythology & Lore

Havikkelhel is governed by Vorskad⁣, Eyridda⁣, and Rokk⁣. Each of the three deities decide on which of the deceased they will take and initiate into their halls and temples.   Rumour and related gospel suggest that the way a worshipper leads their own life is how the deities decide who will join whom.  

Vorskad, God of Honour and Justice

Vorskad is depicted as a giant muscle-bound Kruhlmaak Goblin with the head of a bear and bearskin armour. He sits at the head of the feasting tables in Drekagnuur and is often seen as the warden of Havikkelhel, passing judgement over the living and the dead. Leaders of the Kruhlmaak, inspiring warriors, heads of households, or any other similar figures are accepted by Vorskad into Drekagnuur, where they drink, fight, and offer guidance to the Kruhlmaak through their dreams and through visions. Those who have lived a fulfilling life may enter Havikkelhel, while those who have not must atone as a spirit in Oszmorthorn until Vorskad grants them passage to the afterlife. Many Kruhlmaak tribes hang the head of a bear over their gates or where their leaders govern from in honour of him. He is also the patron saint of festivals, and is said to be the one who brings merriment and mirth to them.   Vorskad was said to have hunted for a mythical bear called 'Buorajnni' by himself. Upon its discovery, Vorskad and Buorajnni fought for a week before Vorskad ended its life. Vorskad then changed his head to Buorajnni's to celebrate the great battle they had. It is said that Vorskad passed this gift onto the Kruhlmaak so that they too could champion the strengths of the wilderness.  

Eyridda, Goddess of the Dead, War, and the Apocalypse

Kruhlmaak bards and poets depict Eyridda as a slender, muscular warrior clad in pure sagasteel (or 'sagastaal' in Kruhllir) metal armour. Her face is obscured under a plumed helmet fashioned to look like a smooth skull. She wields a sagasteel greatsword which is said to be able to cleave Oszmorthorn in half. Her place of refuge in Havikkelhel is the temple of the Nefvlakr, a stone temple that stands in the middle of a large lake. Warriors thought to have lived a 'poetic' life are either taken by Eyridda to Nefvlakr where they will divine penance and judge the enemies of the Kruhlmaak, and grant their strength to the warriors among the living. The inside of Neflakr is said to be much bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, accomodating almost every newcomer the moment they are brought to her.   Eyridda is said to stand sentinel over all wars in the world to witness their outcomes. It is said that when a thunderstorm passes over a battle that has passed, the end of the world and the subsequent apocalypse draws closer. The yryllmaak she raises are said to usher it in faster and protect the Kruhlmaak from the destruction it will bring. Oftentimes, the presence of a thunderstorm over a battle is said to be an sign that new yryllmaak will be chosen.  

Rokk, God of Insight and the Future

Rokk is considered the patron god of Kruhlmaak oracles blessed with forthsight. He is often described as featureless, save his opaque shadow beneath his 'Alfuur' cloak that changes with each passing season (when it is winter, it becomes a sheet of ice; when it is spring, leaves and fruit bloom from it; when it is autumn, it turns to old, scaley bark; and when it is summer, it ripples with heat.)   Rokk is said to choose his oracles when they are first born into the world, and ushers them to his mountain cave of 'Ostruun' when they depart, to help maintain the balance and order of Oszmorthorn, such as aligning stars, granting growth to trees, plants, and wildlife, and to herald calamitous events to 'reset' the lands they affect (such as blizzards, hurricanes, and droughts). Rokk and his followers are believed to grant blessings to the Kruhlmaak through bountiful harvests, the revealing of secrets within Frelkinung, and the survival of the disasters they bring, in exchange for sacrifices and gifts from the Yeldrun Forest.


Worship of the Havikkelhel is not usually lead by a body of clerics or priests, but rather the leaders of a tribe, house, or other similar group, by reciting the mythology surrounding the deities and thanking them for all their gifts. It is generally accepted that some may have an affinity or bias toward any of the deities of Havikkelhel, especially given that Kruhlmaak who live a certain way will be chosen to live with the respective deity, but an appreciation for each of the three deities is commonly requested. It is considered blasphemy to knowingly attribute an event to one of the deity's whose duties fall out of that realm.

Granted Divine Powers


Despite the connotations of undeath in other societies, the ascendance to becoming a yryllmaak is considered a high honour among the Kruhlmaak. Yryllmaak are granted exceptional strength and agility, supernatural foresight, and almost unkillable short of using an enchanted weapon. They retain most of their former self (personality, emotions, appearance), but they return with a bloodlust that demands they must continue hunting and killing enemies of the Kruhlmaak.   Yryllmaak are worshipped as chosen leaders among the Kruhlmaak, and will either assume command of a Kruhlmaak army or tribe, or act as a bodyguard or advisor to an already successful leader.  

Divine Foresight

Oracles of the Havikkelhel are chosen by Rokk when they are born. They receive their first foresights when they are children, and are sent to live with other oracles who instruct them on what their visions mean and how to use them as guidance. When they become more insightful and attuned to this power, oracles may even call on Rokk to initiate visions upon request.   The visions an oracle receives do not always correspond with any given question or expectation; oracles are expected to understand the meaning behind each vision and to act accordingly (or to the best of their ability). For example, if an oracle calls upon Rokk to ask if an upcoming Mramfalknar will yield plenty of food, they may instead receive a sign regarding where a pack of wolves are located; an oracle may then either interpret this as a good sign, an omen that this may be the only source of meat, or that this pack may hinder the hunt in some way.
Religious, Pantheon

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