Session 4: The Gang Gains Substantial Responsibility Report in Ostelliach | World Anvil

Session 4: The Gang Gains Substantial Responsibility

General Summary

An afternoon of shopping and parenting abounds!   The team concludes their report with their clients Zedron Eefis and Ourelios Heia Eefissa and returns to the AHARRG Guild Hall, where they report back to Gleddy Goodvine on their efforts.   Gleddy praises them for a successful first mission and apologizes for the complications (like, say, ratnapping and unethical black market purchases). She assures them that she had no idea anything would be so morally fraught and congratulates them on navigating them as well as they could.   Regarding the black market in Sekre Glimmre (and Kitanya Evermoon's desire to perhaps burn it down), Gleddy strongly advises the gang to steer clear until they're a little stronger. She tells them about the nature of the Glimmre, the moral underbelly of Ostelliach that is full of danger and ethically bankrupt individuals she would not steer the party toward. She assures them that the guild has people embedded in the business and that there are ways they can begin to address this issue (collecting evidence to report the merchant to The Tryst, for instance) and takes the information down to investigate. She asks the party to promise her they will not go on their own, and they agree.   Gleddy also agrees to take care of Gerome Figeroth and ensure he's been looked after (mentally, physically, financially) once he's through being seen to the infirmary.  
Incidentally, Tervik Likkus is also in the infirmary, being treated for his wererat-ness, and misses the session.
  The other key note of this checkin with Gleddy is that Num Erik Al grants his party the ability to call him Al, aka acknowledging they are counted among friends.   After Gleddy, the party stops by their reserved room to divvy up loot. They establish a Party Loot fund and hand out different neat pieces or flag them to sell. Among the pieces retained are the locket with the tiefling child's photo, the Hat of Disguise (now quite literally a Party Hat), and the Wand of Conducting.  
To view the Party Loot and communal GP amounts, go to Roll20 and click the Journal icon (the small book, the same icon you click to access your character sheet). At the top of the list here, you should see "Party Funds & Communal Loot." (Thanks, Shae!)
  Flush with cash, the party proceeds to Dortlitt's Store-tlitt and proceeds to drop a lot of their hard-earned gold on exciting new items, such as:  
  • Wynnie Bishop and Amanita Guttata putting down payments on a Staff of Defense each, with Wynnie depositing 75 GP and Amanita depositing 100.
  • ALEK51 purchasing an All Purpose Tool (and selling several artisan kits rendered duplicate in the process)
  • L0L4 purchasing a Talking Doll that is sufficiently creepy but has a lot of potential for use down the line
  • Wynnie and Alek51 both purchasing Enduring Spellbooks because boy is our party a bunch of nerds
  • A saucy little Studded Leather Armor number for Amanita Guttata, generously tailored thanks to Dortlitt to fit their Owlin self perfectly
  • A fancy little hand crossbow for L0L4 , including a free leather bracer to attach it when not in use
  From there, things get really exciting, as the party travels to Rine's Friends and Familiars to purchase some friends, and/or familiars.   First off is Num Erik Al, who adopts a Neopolitan Mastiff named Basil. Num uses Speak with Animals to ask his new friend to come with him. Basil is a big sweetie who agrees to come with, so long as they can come back to visit her friend Rine from time to time. Basil is trained as a mount and Rine throws in a saddle with two saddlebags that can each hold 20 lb., as well as an antler or two for Basil to gnaw on.   Traits: Very muscular, good at finding (advantage on Investigation checks), extremely ticklish  
  Up next is Kitanya Evermoon, who becomes fascinated with an Egyptian Goose that turns up her nose at any standard bird food and only seems interested in yoinking a cookie from Kitanya's bag. Kitanya names the goose Reina Luna and adopts the lovable nightmare.   Traits: Regal, unnervingly intelligent eyes, good at begging (advantage on Persuasion checks) and only eats human food (and is picky about it). Additionally, through an incredible series of jokes-the-DM-has-to-honor rolls, Reina is proficient with improvised weapons.   Jumpscare: goose.
  The last new addition to the group is for ALEK51 , who asks Rine for a service animal that can assist in fetching things (ideally one that can fly). Rine helps him locate the perfect specimen: an absurdly fluffy, comically unreliable Pocket Gryphon named Reuben. Reuben is a falcon/cat hybrid (a Fat if you will, specifically a Caracal Cat) that never half-asses anything, either failing to do a task entirely or laser-focus succeeding, seen during a trial r-flight of an obstacle course. Rine sends Alek51 off with a harness and some good, slimy treats to tempt Reuben into compliance with.   Traits: Food-driven, loves to play dead, limited telekinesis, unusually fluffy
  Finally, Amanita Guttata, Wynnie Bishop, and Num Erik Al present their babby Mimics to Rine to ask for any care advice. Rine imparts the following wisdom:  
  • These mimics are approximately 1 month to 6 weeks old (still very young)
  • Mimics grow according to the space they are granted. Left in a room or Bag of Holding, they'll grow bigger than if they're carried in a bag; they predict the ABC gang will likely be relatively small.
  • Mimics generally reach full growth within about 3-4 years, growing about a foot per year.
  • They can learn 2 languages (possibly already know 2), plus limited telepathy to each other and creatures they're fond of, in a limited range. Baby mimics love being talked to and it's important to continue to talk to them, lest they lose their ability to communicate as many adult mimics have.
  • Mimics can be trained to learn a number of Commands (at DM discretion these babies are capable of learning 1 Command currently, with dedicated training. (This is basically a free Command spell.)
  • Teething mimics like having something to gnaw on. Rine gives each bab a small iron rod to gum on like a chew toy. (Props to Amanita Guttata for journaling the first day they found Carl and correctly guessing he would enjoy the iron in hematite.)
  She also coaxes the mimics to speak, which absolutely gobsmacks ALEK51 who quite literally loses a spring from the force of his jaw dropping at being proved wrong: mimics are in fact sentient/sapient creatures. This will certainly not cause him to re-evaluate his understanding of sapience from here on out.   Rine encourages the group to return, should they have any questions about any of their new companions or need help with their behavior or care. (She also mentions she knows a series of care professionals depending on the type of creature in need and to come find her, should any of the babies need a vet referral.)   The party departs with lighter pockets and fuller hearts to chillax before they check in with Gleddy on contracts in the morn.
Ostelliach Campaign
Neutral Good Warforged (Entertainer)
Bard 3
22 / 22 HP
NG/CG Warforged (Cloistered Scholar (Sage))
Artificer 2
14 / 14 HP
Amanita Guttata
True Neutral Owlin (Hermit)
Druid - Circle of Spores 3
25 / 25 HP
Num Erik Al
8 / 8 HP
Wynnie Bishop
Kitanya Evermoon
Neutral Good Satyr ()
Cleric 1
Stars Druid 1
14 / 14 HP
Player Journals
New Research Assistant?! by Amanita Guttata
Report Date
28 Mar 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location