Hiram Exenthia Character in Ostelliach | World Anvil

Hiram Exenthia

The beloved founder of the Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild. Died of old age, allegedly at his desk in the guild he couldn't bear to leave. Hiram never lived to see the shape of the guild after The Breaking but would undoubtedly be proud it still serves adventurers and those in need of their skills.   Many tales of Hiram exist, many of them the stuff of parable and legend more than historical account, but the following are consistent:
  • He was a slight, but extremely tall half elf known for wielding a hammer of surprising heft.
  • His eyes are always described as being "knowing, piercing, loving" and some say he had a gift for precognition and divination from how knowing his look felt.
  • He insisted on ruling the guild with a hands-on methodology that saw him often at the front of initiatives; most people at the guild knew him on a first-name basis.
  • He had a penchant for "adopting" foundlings and at the time of his death had a family of double digit "children" who became adventurers of their own renown.
  • He followed the god of Conjuration, Lothiniel Anai.
Lawful Good
Date of Death
87 PB