G'Vi Na T'For Character in Ostelliach | World Anvil

G'Vi Na T'For (Geh-VEE NAH To-FOUR)

Smithwright (a.k.a. G'Vi, Gee, Smithwright G'Vi)

G'Vi Na T'For is the official head of smithing and weaponry for the Ad Hoc Adventurers Recruitment and Resettlement Guild. A towering Goliath with a soft-spoken smile, she traded the cold her species is known for for the heat of the forge and community built on lifting others up rather than competing against them.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

G'Vi bears the striking undulating black tattoo-like birthmarks of all Goliaths on her face, as well as their distinctive rock-like protrusions called lithoderms scattered across her body most noticeably on her arms and one on her left temple, almost like a broken-off horn in appearance). It's hard to miss a Goliath in general, and G'Vi is every bit as commanding as the rest of her species with impressive musculature dotted with unapologetic scars or burns that command their own respect simply for how little they seem to ever phase her.

Physical quirks

G'Vi is often deliberate and slow like the mountains she came from, seemingly aware of her size and acting in accordance. She is never seen fidgeting or squirming and is remarkably good at blending into the background for someone 7 feet tall.

Apparel & Accessories

G'Vi wears her dark brown hair constantly plaited into a simple braid pinned up around her head out of the way while she works; when unpinned, it reaches roughly her shoulderblades. (She's never seen without it braided.)   G'Vi is typically seen sporting a bandage-like top wrapped around her chest and utilitarian pants fitted tighter at the top than their flared bottoms, with sensible work boots and tough gloves either on her hands or tucked into her belt. Her belt is a sturdy one cinched tightly around a muscular stomach, bearing several smithing tools that one would think would pull the belt down at any moment but never do. She also carries a pair of safety goggles dangling from said belt, though she is rarely seen using them.   Not one for accessories that don't have practical use, there is very little metal on G'Vi's body that is not a tool, as any pendant or medallion is at risk of heating on her skin from the forge's proximity. That said, she wears braided/tied cord as bracelets on both wrists, tucked safely under her work gloves; if these are sentimental or for some practical use, who's to say.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

G'vi Na T'For doesn't talk often about her past, though she's not opposed to if it comes up. Born in the mountains near the lightning plain of Burazaich, she was raised amongst fellow Goliaths but found their utilitarian focus on "usefulness" to be too callous for her taste. She ultimately ended up leaving to wander, spending a good deal of time in Arnun-Ohx learning from the Orcs there the finer intricacies of smithing that even large hands like hers could wield.   Eventually, she wound up in the friendship of Gleddy Goodvine who brought her into the fold of AHARRG and bid her stay to help adventurers.   Somewhere along the way, she abandoned much of her species' traditional Birth-Nick-Clan-Name style of naming and now goes by the truncated version most know her by; what her name was before, that she won't tell freely. (Rumor has it that Gleddy knows, their kinship being close enough for anyone paying attention at the guild to notice.)


It's not something that G'Vi goes around talking about, but astute observers can suppose that her fondness for Gleddy is not only deeper-than-platonic but also seemingly reciprocated, though not in a distracting or particularly official way. The two seem to share the sort of quiet intimacy bonded from years around each other, whatever that might be in practice.


G'Vi doesn't talk often about a formal education. However, she seems particularly sensitive to any implication that larger, stronger species like Goliaths are assumed to be dim-witted and can often be found in the library reading. Additionally, she seems to have learned intricate blueprint and crafting recipe scripting at some point and her office is covered in diagrams of new smithing contraptions or designs to refine the weaponry she forges.

Morality & Philosophy

G'Vi is a devout belief that everyone deserves to be helped and everyone can help, though that help may look different to each person. She's intolerant of people judging others based on their appearance or perceived strength and is quick to offer people to "pick on her" instead of whatever underdog she is defending.
Current Location
Androgynous due to practicality in her profession
Light electric blue, nearly white; framed by smile lines, frequently squinting against the forge's light.
Long, dark brown; always braided, usually pinned out of the way
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale lilac-grey, with darker purple ligoderms speckling like oversized freckles
Known Languages
G'Vi speaks most often in a slow, ponderous Arnun-Ohx-accented Common, but she also is known to switch to Dwarvish, Orcish, Gnomish, or Giant if the conversation partner is presented.