Kaelen Sandstrider Character in Oshavae | World Anvil

Kaelen Sandstrider

Kaelen Sandstrider is a man of quiet strength and unwavering determination, much like the vast desert landscape that surrounds his icy home. His dwelling, nestled amidst the dunes, reflects his resilient spirit, with sturdy walls built from sun-bleached stone and adorned with intricate carvings depicting tales of ancient heroes and forgotten lore. Within this sanctuary, Kaelen finds solace in the companionship of his loyal roarbit, a creature born of the desert's harsh embrace yet possessing a gentle and steadfast nature.  
Pherlin Jewel by Jerry Mills
The lip jewel of Kaelen Sandstrider is a marvel to behold, a radiant testament to the magic that courses through the veins of the desert. Crafted from the finest rubies and set in a delicate frame of shimmering gold, it gleams with an otherworldly brilliance, casting dancing shadows upon the sand as if whispering secrets of ages past. Each ruby is a vibrant crimson gem, meticulously cut and polished to perfection, capturing the fiery essence of the desert sun within its depths. As light cascades upon its surface, the jewel seems to come alive, its hues shifting and shimmering like flames dancing upon the wind.  
Kaelen's Locket by Jerry Mills
Kaelen's love locket is a treasure beyond compare, a tangible manifestation of his deepest emotions and desires. Fashioned from the finest gold and silver and adorned with intricate carvings of swirling vines and delicate blossoms, it exudes an air of timeless elegance and romance. The locket's surface is polished to a mirror-like sheen, reflecting the world around it with a clarity that borders on the ethereal. But it is what lies within that truly sets it apart - nestled within its heart-shaped frame is a miniature portrait of the woman who holds Kaelen's heart captive.   Her image is captured in exquisite detail, her eyes sparkling with warmth and affection, her smile a beacon of hope and joy. It is a sight that never fails to stir Kaelen's soul, filling him with a sense of purpose and determination unlike anything he has ever known.   As he gazes upon the locket, Kaelen is reminded of the passion that burns within him, a flame that refuses to be extinguished no matter the trials he may face. It serves as a constant source of inspiration and strength, guiding him forward on his journey and fueling his resolve to one day declare his love to the woman who has captured his heart.  
Roarbit by Jerry Mills
Kaelen's lion gerbil, named "Roarbit," possesses the diminutive size of a gerbil, yet boasts the majestic features of a lion. Its miniature mane frames a proud, lion-like head, while its compact body exudes the soft fluffiness characteristic of gerbils. Despite its small stature, Roarbit moves with the grace and confidence of a mighty lion, its tiny paws resembling miniature lion's claws. Its playful antics and fierce loyalty make it a beloved companion to Kaelen, embodying both the ferocity of the lion and the endearing charm of the gerbil.

Cover image: Oshavae Cover Photo by Jerry Mills
Character Portrait image: Kaelen Sandstrider by Jerry Mills


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