Markam’s Marvels, Mysteries, and Muses in Orrusanùr | World Anvil
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Markam’s Marvels, Mysteries, and Muses

Past the gaily striped ticket booth at the entrance to a grove lies a broad swath of slightly trodden grass mixed with scatterings of straw. Punctuated by blazing torches and colorful banners advertising all manner of wondrous spectacles and entertainment, this aisle branches out to encircle the main central tent with decorated carts, wagons, and open air stalls overflowing with goods and wares for inspection and sale.   Here you may find an exquisitely wrought silvered dagger or a delicate filigree locket filled with lavender-scented pomade; or your palate might be tempted by hot steaming pastries shaped like rings, dripping with honey, or perhaps a hearty mug of frothy nut-brown ale flavored with furnell bark. Fingers may trace the embroidered outlines of stylized dragonflies amongst the warp and weft of a finely woven lengths of fabric or caress the smoothly sanded grain of a beautiful hand-carved wooden comb. And what of those glittering vials of glass, filled with mysterious liquids all colors of the rainbow? What might happen if one of those tempting potions is unstopped and tilted back into your mouth?   This is the world of Markam’s Marvels, Mysteries, and Muses, and you cannot wait to explore every laden table, shaded tent, and beckoning cart!   Fortune tellers, sages, and rune card readers occupy the small round purple tent near the entrance…and it is said that they never lie! Puppetry, storytelling, and small games for children occupy another area, marshalled by Miss Trixie, a lively older woman with large twinkling eyes and a crazy mop of pure white hair. Tegan Ravmora, a male elven illusionist, and Ghaeliss MacFerron, a female water wizard, round out her child-loving crew.   At the rear of the grove lie the domains of Odo Bilberry and Nelli Sunflour. Odo, a jolly bald halfling with an amazing red beard, is Markam’s head brewer, bottleman, and barkeep for the troupe. Nelli is an adorable woman who radiates humor and charm, while wielding one of the meanest wooden spoons in the Empire…no one can outcook her!   As you wander about, you will notice strategically placed armed guards, with keen intelligent eyes constantly shifting and scanning for malcontents, cutpurses, and other undesirables; you will later see many of these same fighters performing in various gladiatorial exhibitions throughout the day. Markam allows no shenanigans on his circus grounds and has built his reputation on maintaining a safe family-friendly environment for all. And since most of his fighters are retired army veterans and blade masters, there tends to be very little argument when troublemakers are firmly “escorted” elsewhere.   You will also see numerous costumed artists and entertainers stopping frequently to converse with circus patrons and exhibit some of their unique talents. Kellis Strongarm, a sturdy halfling woman bearing hand weapons and a fiddle, challenges men twice her size to impromptu duels of either type (held in the blue tent far to the left). Robann of the Fires, an elderly gray-robed man with a long silvered beard braided down the front of his chest, holds a small flame ablaze in his hand and loves to debate. And Al-Adann, a tall wiry half-elf youth in a purple-dyed open vest and baggy pantaloons suddenly bends over backwards and walks himself back through his legs, before tumbling into a series of one-handed back flips leading towards the “big top” entrance.   And oh, what a grand and glorious tent it is! Boasting not one but two huge tent poles, your eyes sweep over endless yards of patterned canvas that hangs down to the ground, tautly secured by heavy ropes and sturdy iron tent spikes. Bold flags and pennants snap and furl in the afternoon breeze from its canvas peaks, and through the yawning opening at its front comes the jaunty strains of music designed to set your toes tapping and your heart beating faster with anticipation.   Yes, this is Markam’s masterpiece, the pride and joy of this “family” circus, large enough to hold three full rings, with benches, stools, and cushions liberally scattered around the perimeter for the audience. The center ring, exactly 42 feet in diameter, is the optimum size for equestrian acts, providing naturally balanced forces for the riders circling it on their steeds. Some say this is magic…for Markam’s riders never seem to fall!   This center ring also houses the upper ropes, bars, trapezes, and nets used by his skilled aerialists – the flyers, the walkers, the silkies, and the hoopers. Many a heart and lung has been momentarily stopped while watching these daredevils defy gravity during their air dances. And as for the inevitable hecklers who claim magic has been used to keep these acrobatic wonders aloft? Well, his in-residence Wizard of Transmutation, Jana Killoran, will be called upon to cast detect magic, to prove that none of the performers or equipment have been bespelled in any way.   Animal acts (trained dogs, ponies, and birds) occupy one of the smaller side rings, and jugglers, fire eaters, dancers, and other variety acts perform in the other side ring. Musicians are everywhere, mingling with the audience or playing on the raised stage at the rear of the big tent, cheerfully providing background tunes or dramatic musical punctuation for each act.   And Markam himself, resplendent in his ringmaster garb, capitalizes on his bardic past by regaling the crowds with his powerful and mesmerizing voice. Once called the “Man of a Thousand Voices”, he is adept at his job and always turns out a good show. And just as he is a father and a grandfather in his own right, he is also the father and inspirational leader for each member of his circus “family”, for once a new troupe member joins, they rarely leave.
Concept, description and some images created/provided by Ann Watkins


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