BOAT TRAVEL DICE in Oroccid | World Anvil


  Players ROLL A d10 (or d100) (DM rolls modifier of d4 for every roll to add chaos to it all! If it goes above 10, just start at the top again)
1 Storm hits the boat (roll STORM dice)
2 Pirates seen on horizon, (roll PIRATE dice)
3 A dense fog rolls in, blocking landmarks and the sky, making navigation questionable (roll FOG dice)
4 One day passes uneventfully.
5 PC has odd dream regarding their character/ story
6 Sea creature attack
7 2 days Pass uneventfully
8 3 days Pass uneventfully
9 4 days Pass Uneventfully
10 Uneventful Journey
STORM DICE (roll 2d6):
2 Tidal wave hits the ship, capsizing it and sending everyone overboard (no save)
3 Lightning Strikes the mast, setting it ablaze
4 Giant Waves, all hands on deck to help the crew batten down the hatches. If PC's go topside, (ATH or STR check (DC 20 to see if they are able to stay aboard as wave hits)
5 Captain pushes through the storm, and high winds tear the MAIN SAIL. Add ONE DAY to the journey as they patch the sail.
6 Character gets violently ill (1 point of exhaustion next day)
7 Extra winds pick up, the ship moves faster and takes 2 days off the voyage time
8 Mild storm, the ship rides it out and remains on course. (Players feel uneasy, like something is watching them)
9 Choppy waves knock over an unsecure lantern, starting a fire in the HOLD during the storm.
10 Hurricane Winds crack the main mast, ship otherwise alright by the morning. Lose 2 days as the ship's carpenter makes emergency repairs along the way and the ship is crippled.
11 Massive wave hits the ship, knocking crew members overboard (DC 18 Strength check)
12 Ship falls into a Whirlpool, and is pulled under the sea.
PIRATE DICE (roll d6):
1 & 6 Pirate get close and directly attacks (roll d100, 50 or higher to confirm)
2 & 5 Pirates only appear for a moment, then disappear
3 It trails them for a few days, and then disappears
4 Pirates disappear, that night there is a sneak attack from a row boat, highest Passive Perception will hear it
FOG DICE (roll d4):
1 The Captain pushes through the fog and stays on course.
2 The Captain pushes through the fog and runs into a reef cluster. PC's need to help patch the HOLE, lose 3 days as the ship makes repairs and limps to their destination. (can be offset by players helping the ship carpenter who have proficiency with CARPENTER TOOLSET)
3 The Captain pushes through the fog and veers off-course, lose 2 days as he rights course once the fog lifts.
4 Captain drops anchor and waits out the fog, add 1 day to journey.