Mauka Species in Orlon | World Anvil


Basic Information


"They have six legs, with cloven hooves attached to very strong muscles. The species is clearly designed for running, be it long distances, or short sprints. They have long tails as well, about half a meter meter by visual estimation compared to the rest of the creature, which put its overall length at five meters. This is an example of a Mauka youth."

Growth Rate & Stages

"The Mauka lifespan can be separated into four distinct phases. The first phase is approximately fifty to two hundred fifty years. This is the period of Mauka youth. During this period they are approximately the height of an average Ralten/Sirondian Solvuneian, at one hundred eighty centimetres at the shoulder.   During the second phase, which we care calling the adolescent phase, the physique of the Mauka shifts more towards their final running form. This period takes place during approximately two hundred fifty, to five hundred years of age. years.   The adult phase of their growth lasts from the period of five hundred to eight hundred years.   In the fourth and final phase of their lifespan, the Elder Phase, Mauka go through what is often described as a second puberty, upon where they resume growing to towering proportions, able to dwarf even the tallest recording Solvuneian of two hundred ten centimetres, at three hundred twenty nine centimetres."

Dietary Needs and Habits

"Mauka will eat just about everything, and have a very flexible diet. They are omnivores, frugivores, and insectivores. When acting on carnivorous tendencies, they will use their tactical knowledge of trap setting and ambushing to deal with their prey. For their herbivorous tendencies, they will gather various edible plants and create combinations that are appealing and unique to each Mauka, though some will have similar if not identical tastes on occasion.   They are also rudimentary farmers, but do not use tool. By observing rain patterns, and seasonal shifts, Mauka are able to plan out when to till the soil to soil to yield the best result with natural rain, but with their tilling capacity, they are also able to direct the flow, working in groups, creating natural, Orlonan aqueducts.   With fruit also being in their diet, this combination allows for them to add versatility to their herbivorous or carnivorous tendencies."

Biological Cycle

"For about four cycles, every one hundred fifty years, a Mauka goes through a scale moult, where they lose their weaker scales that grow during youth, whereupon the new layer growing under the first layer, is more resilient and durable. During the final phase of their life, the elder phase, it is said that their scales are as durable as boulders, with not even the best firearms able to penetrate them."

Additional Information

Social Structure

"Mauka are pack animals, that when combined with their intelligence, lead them to enact a structure similar to bipedal Humanoid feudal systems. The older, and subsequently larger, and stronger males, are at the forefront of protecting the younger members of the pack. The adult Mauka train the young in various ambushing techniques, as well as how to exercise judgement when encountering a potential or current threat."


"Initially, only one species on the planet domesticated Mauka, the Ukin Tribe Mornaigscale of lizards. The approached them as equals, and eventually developed a relationship where they are able to act as both scouts, and guards, in addition to being companions for the freshly hatched young."

Uses, Products & Exploitation

"Mauka are able to produce a calcium based nutrient that they are able to store in their upper back, allowing for the manufacturing of cheese, as well as volunteering their extremely resistant hides upon their death, for use in clothing, and armour."

Average Intelligence

Mauka are considerably more more intelligent than their form would give away. They have been observed to be able to prepare, lay, and execute traps, as well as conduct ambushes. They are able to understand most creatures, seemingly without ever being able to speak back in return to them to confirm their understanding.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

"Mauka do not have titles unless they are given by them in the culture that they settle into. It is currently unknown how they differentiate each other."

Major Language Groups and Dialects

"Mauka do not have a spoken language. Their communication appears to be nonverbal, through gestures and other means."

Culture and Cultural Heritage

"Mauka do not have a culture, as they view clinging to past events not useful. Traditions exist to ensure survival, with them being designed to essentially be nomadic, they do not attach themselves to a singular place for very long. If they do, then they will integrate with whatever culture they settle with, under the understanding that they may leave at any time to continue to wander the lands."

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

"Upon the realisation that they have a lifespan far greater than any other beings on the planet, they decided as a group, that they would agree to assist with conflict only if they had agreed to a previous contractual arrangement with a family before the conflict broke out. Mauka do not take sides in war, but they will participate if it is a matter of defending their chosen family, or association.   Most species are faced with a general reverence, with them seeing themselves as neither superior nor inferior to others, and simply existing on the planet."
Scientific Name

Ukinius Mauka

800-900 years
Average Height
2.13 Meters - 3.29 Meters
Average Weight
350 Kilograms - 450 Kilograms
Average Length
4.3 Meters - 6.5 Meters
Average Physique
Designed for long distance fast running, Mauka are structured in such a way that allows them to cover far more distance than a biped, and even a standard quadruped, due to them having six runner limbs. They are quite densely packed with muscle, which can create the deceptive appearance of them seeming to be smaller than their weight is in reality.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
"Mauka are escapees by nature, with no desire to blend into their surroundings when they can simply outpace any creature that might try to harm them. They wear scales of grey, with some even having been observed having a striped scale pattern unlike anything seen on the planet before."

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