Nissix Character in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil


Growing up in poverty like so many of her species Nissix came from the slums of Nar Shaddaa. An orphan who never knew her parents and always had to look out for herself she was used to hardship and fighting by the time the republic found her. Reluctantly and mostly to get away from debt and prosecution she joined the republic army and started basic training. Her mind is frail from her hardship on Nar Shaddaa and could easily be used against her. She is a wild card when it comes to saving herself or saving her fellow soldiers. She refuses to die for civilians but have a bond to Dahl and Ynda, seeing them as parent figures in her life and will do anything to save them. Not the strongest soldier around but extremely clever and cunning she has more then once saved her squad from making horrible mistakes or walk into traps. Her hope is to get out of the army soon and start a small business, settle down and have a normal calm life, she has seen too much for many lifetimes and wants to be done with that life.   Killed by the Ordo on Balmorra
32799 TYA 32823 TYA 24 years old


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