Cradles Geographic Location in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil


During these years leading up to the Great Hyperspace War that started in 31,453 TYA the existence of the “Cradles” was first revealed to the Templars of the time. Part of the original design of The Architect the Cradles were linked to the network and served different but very specific purposes. Numbering seven in total they were designated Cradle of Truth, Cradle of Bogan, Cradle of Ashlan, Cradle of Life, Cradle of Death, Cradle of Lies and Cradle of Eternity.   For several millennia these Cradles had been forgotten and left to themselves, only tended by the Architect in seclusion and only remotely. No record exists of their construction or foundation, and it is only ever estimated that they must have been founded some time during the first Crusade, most likely parallel to the construction of the network. The exact location of these Cradles are as of yet unknown,

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