Caffeth Character in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil


Crusader Caffeth Aetheron

Caffeth was a Crusader of the Ordo Templaris and a Tiro of Aveus Alya. He brought his family to the Ordo after his split from the Empire and served the Order for about a year before dying in the Helska wilds.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Caffeth was in peak condition, especially after his cybernetics and scars were removed by the healers of the Ordo Templaris.

Body Features

Many tattoos covered his body before the healers removed them along with any scars.

Facial Features

In the last two months of his life, Caffeth had grown and cultivated a full beard.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Caffeth was born on a spaceship in 5 BTC, shortly after his father, an imperial officer, died in the battle Ashas Rae. His mother was always kind to him, spending much time with her young son. She remarried in 2 ATC, shortly after the birth of his half-sister. Her new husband treated Caffeth like his own son. Shirra taught him to take care of his family, that in the darkest of times, family is all that matters, and are the only ones you can really rely on. He received his ancient faith from his mother as well, believing in a duotheistic image of the universe. To this day, he remains close to his family.
    Upon the discovery of his force sensitivity, he was taken to Korriban. His training mostly relied on speed and outmanoeuvring the enemy. During this time, he formed a rivalry with a fellow acolyte by the name of Ra'ix. Both would often battle viciously during their time out in the tombs, leading up to a breaking point during their final test. They were to bring back an artefact near a lair of a giant Tuk'ata. Caffeth slew the beast but was wounded in the fight. Ra'ix attacked him immediately, having waited for the fight to be over, before jumping in. The already weakened Caffeth did not have the strength to defend himself and was stabbed in the chest by his rival and left to die. Hours passed, and everyone thought Caffeth to be dead, as he returned, dropping the Tuk'ata's head before the Overseer's feet, two ancient lightsabers that he had retrieved from the beast's lair attached to his belt, which he had used, to cauterise the wound. His resolve and endurance impressed the Sith, who allowed him to be elevated to the rank of Sith.
He was shipped to Druckenwell as soon as he was healed, having been tasked with putting down a rebellion on the planet, and put in command of the 712th Infantry Platoon "Raging Spears". He regarded the soldiers under his leadership as an extension of his family, and he earned his fair share of injuries protecting them. This made him popular with his troops, who would follow him into battle no matter what. He fought in many battles, earning some admiration to his name. During this time, he ran into a Jedi Knight, whom he battled for several hours while boarding a Republic reconnaissance ship in imperial space.
  One day in 23 ATC, he and his troops were deployed in the outer rim, on the borders of imperial space. There, they came under heavy fire by the Republic, who still denies having their hands in this incident. Caffeth lead his troops to victory, but at a high price. Most of his forces got wiped out, with only half a dozen soldiers surviving, and they had to fall back. He was blamed for the failure and relocated to Kalee. But instead of succumbing to the challenge the harsh Kaleesh posed, he flourished, drawing strength from the parallels he saw between the Kaleesh gods, the force and the gods he and his family believed in for generations. He believed that he was destined for something else, and has requested a transfer after a few months. Upon approval, he started looking for a cause, a leader to follow. He found this leader in Vexe. He followed her for a year, before being stationed on Starrock base. As the station got under fire by the Republic, he and the soldiers and scientists got saved by the Ordo Templaris.
Caffeth soon brought his family to the Ordo Templaris, though briefly came to regret that decision, as his ideals clashed with the Ordo's. Teregun Yarr brought him to Helska, showing him what was at stake and what the Ordo was fighting for.


Caffeth was formally educated in Warfare by the Sith. He was moulded to be a weapon, not receiving much other education than what was necessary for that role.


He was employed by the Empire for several years, then by the New Age Ascensus by Darth Vexe.

Failures & Embarrassments

The failure to protect the soldiers under his command and the subsequent humiliation by the Empire shaped Caffeth for several years, as he sought for a cause to fully dedicate himself to. One that would not unfairly let him get crushed by the wheels of competition.

Intellectual Characteristics

Caffeth had a problem thinking outside the box and grasping the whole picture. He let emotions guide him more than reason, leading to him making impulsive and reckless decisions.

Morality & Philosophy

Caffeth valued strength and honour overall and only ever fought to protect people from the clutches of chaos. He saw deaths of non-combatants as dishonourable and a dangerous path to ruin and did all he could to prevent such things from happening.

Personality Characteristics


Caffeth was motivated by his past deeds, by the wrongs of the misguided Empire. He wanted to make things right in the galaxy.


Family Ties

Caffeth's mother, Step-Father and Half-Sister were all taken to the Ordo Templaris. They have remained with them since then. An uncle on his father's side still remains with the Empire, though none of the family had contact with him in recent years.

Religious Views

For a long time, Caffeth was part of a duotheistic religion amongst some imperial citizens. Groth is seen as the god of strength and honour, while Klearan is the god of treachery and manipulation. These two were in a constant struggle to claim the souls of the living, and as one rose up, the other one fought for the preservation of its own kind. The galaxy needs both to survive. All this changed when his views collided with the Ordo's and Teregun showed him what he needed to see.
32795 TYA 32827 TYA 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Froze to death on Helska III, found surrounded by stones in a ceremonial manner
Dark Blue
Short black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white
1.83 m
83 kg
Known Languages
Basic (Native)


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