Arrtrok Character in Ordo Templaris Universe | World Anvil


Crusader Arrtrok

Arrtrok was a Crusader of the Ordo Templaris fifth Crusade. He was executed due to repeated neglect of duties and acts of treason.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Notable scar under left eye. Robot legs. Robotic right hand. Two robotic fingers on left hands. Generally scarred body from years of service.

Specialized Equipment

Mechanics, starships, Slicing.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Arrtrok is a child of war. Abandon by family with no one to care for him. He was found by republic soldiers on Corellia planet. Arrtrok was taken to Coruscant and placed in many different foster homes, never cared for. He was bullied and abused by many, kids and adults alike. Growing up as a Sith Pureblood in republic space was hard. Constantly being on his guard Arrtrok developed a habit of being on guard and always fighting. The Jedi Order occasionally checked foster homes searching for children with force sensitivity. A Jedi master found Arrtrok, beaten and alone, and reluctantly took Arrtrok believing could be an agent of light. For the first time in his life Arrtrok could relax, but not for long. The speeder the two used got blown up, landing them in Justicar territory. Somehow Arrtrok survived. The explosion and crash drew the attention of the Justicars.   Arrtroks final light was put out, being a Jedi, not getting abused. It was all shattered. With Justicars moving in quickly to investigate Arrtrok knew no other alternative then to turn himself in and get killed. But something wasn't clear in his head. Something calling for him. Looking over at the corpse of the master was a shimmering saber. Beautifully glistering. Taking the saber and activating it came a solid green glow. In a rage Arrtrok quickly dispatches the Justicars.   Scared and alone once more Arrtrok found his way to underground activity. Surviving alone for a long while before finding his two best friends, Bholi and Thiha. Together they roamed the galaxy, but Arrtrok always felt something inside him. He yearned to find a teacher to help him undestand the force. So one night when on tatooine he up and left his two best friends without any notice, dissapearing into the tatooine desest. Something was calling him, something strong. Eventually reaching it. Out in the desert was a stronghold filled with darkness. He found his calling. Making his way inside he met with a sith lady who he never saw again. She took note of him and let him stay. Little did he know he made his way into the Aatrox Ascensus. In this order he learned the secrets of the force and met a few friends, and a rival. Arrtrok always butted heads with Aladrick, but Aladricks master, Fenrir, Always intervened. Arrtrok always saw this as unfair, was he not following the sith way? Eradicating the weak? He also experienced the loss of his legs, which he never recovered fully from. Because a part of the force was cut of from him. Arrtrok personally never was to involved in the business behind the Aatrox, and he never had anything against the Imperatrix. But when she let everyone go he needed someone to follow. The only two who where followable where High lords Ehoc and Fenrir, one of which he had a grudge towards.   Arrtrok didn't realise what he got himself into when he follow Ehoc and Fenrir. But he was in for a ride. Arrtrok has stayed at the Ordos side ever since. Making friends with the people inside. Oddly enough decided Ehoc to make Azamya Arrtroks master. This was an oddball for the two best friends. But with Fenrirs departure and Ehocs sudden leave Arrtrok wasn't to sure about it anymore. He put his last hopes into Fia. Hoping she would do something with the fine Order he had helped create.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Robots, starships, sith and The ordo Dislikes: Jedis, Improverly built droids, friendly fire.



Personality: Loyal to the cause and a sith at hearth. The code being an integral role in his personality.
Dark side towards balance
32800 TYA 32823 TYA 23 years old
Dark Red
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
183 cm
82 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
Quote: "Don't die meaningless"
Known Languages
Basic, Sith


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