
General Information

Veru is a recently discovered, light blue and easily malleable, metal that is only found in the newly formed rivers of the Avik-Desert.      

Icicles in the night

The Veru metal has a very low heat conductivity and while temperatures in the desert often reach over 50 degree, the metal itself is cool to the touch and hardly reaches temperatures over 25 degree in the day.   This attribute brought them the moniker of "Desert Ice" because at night, the metal loses so much heat, that it often freezes the bottom of the rivers it is found in.      

Natures Kickstarter

Due to its coolness, the Veru metal began balancing out temperatures around the rivers and started a domino effect.   Cooler temperatures, in combination with the rivers eroding the desert as well as exposing and irrigating the surrounding soil, lead to plants growing along side the riverside.   Which in turn drew a multitude of animals towards the new chilly streams of the desert.   This never before seen phenomenon lead to the formation of an all new ecosystem and sparked new fields of studies by the Academy of Mensus.      

A Travelers friend

Local Vinima quickly found a good use for the new material: Food preservation.   Desert food, especially travelling provisions, is quite dry, or didn't last a whole journey, but through the use of Veru, Vinima forget lunch boxes that, once cold, easily hold their temperature for the whole duration of a desert journey.      

A new found rarity

Veru is a never before seen material and it is still unclear, if it came from the ocean that flooded the desert, or if it could have been found there all along, but no matter its origin, it is rare and as such highly wanted by collectors, scientists and tinkerers alike.   It is not widely sold outside of the Avik-Desert, which makes the settlement of Lou Aed to one of the main distributors of this metal.


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