The Anti-Stem Particle Material in ORCA | World Anvil
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The Anti-Stem Particle

Anti-stem particles are extra, anomalous antiparticles, and are the antiparticle of stem particles. Like its antiparticle, anti-stem particles also come from the Aether, but whereas stem particles are used for all magic, anti-stem particles are used for comparatively little. They mainly exist for conservation of magic as a quantum unit, and, being antimatter, cannot be controlled. However, they can be exploited to nullify active magic.


Physical & Chemical Properties

The properties of an anti-stem particle are exactly the opposite to a stem particle's. However, most of the quantum units (mass, charge, baryon number, etc.) are 0 anyway, so the only opposite is the magic number, which is -1. In a table this is:
Quantity Value
Mass 0
Charge (Q) 0
Baryon Number (B) 0
Lepton Number (L) 0
Strangeness (S) 0
Magic Number (℧) -1
Like stem particles, anti-stem particles can only exist within the nucleus of a carbon atom (or any of its ions or isotopes) when in this universe, though it is not known why this is. Anti-stem particles cannot move outside of a carbon nucleus and cannot be within a different element. Thus, to move around, the anti-stem particle's host carbon atom must move. Carbon atoms move in longitudinal waves, and this is how magic moves through air. Alternatively, the particles can transfer from one carbon nucleus to another when the atoms collide, a phenomenon known as 'Herrienn Transference', named after ORCHESTRA biologist Linda Herrienn.   Unlike stem particles, anti-stem particles cannot be controlled by a magic user, presumably because they are antimatter. Instead, they only come into the universe when a stem particle is summonned by a magic user, whereupon they will also appear in the carbon nucleus to preserve conservation. If not separated, the two particles will annihilate each other within nanoseconds, thus neutralising the magic. If separated, though, the stem particle can be controlled as the user wishes, while the anti-stem particle remains uncontrollable. Even when not being summonned by a magic user, it is believed anti-stem particles and stem particles may sometimes spontaneously appear within carbon atoms before annihilating nanoseconds later.   Like stem particles, anti-stem particles are special and anomalous because they can transform into any other fundamental particle. However, anti-stem particles can only become anti-matter, such as antiquarks or antileptons, but also photons or bosons, as these are independant. Also, as a magic user cannot directly control anti-stem particles, they cannot control what they turn into. However, they can be indirectly controlled through manipulating stem particles. To conserve all quantum units, stem and anti-stem particles are inextricably linked, and whatever properties change in one will be mirrored in the other, regardless of distance. Hence, an anti-stem particle will become the antiparticle of whatever the stem particle it is linked to becomes. The antiparticles that anti-stem particles turn into are indistinguishable from normal antimatter, and have the same properties. However, they will still have a magic number of -1, and thus are referred to as 'venefice antiparticles' to distinguish them and their unique creation, as well as their short lifespan.   Anti-stem particles will remain in the universe for only as long as the magic user keeps control over their matter counterpart. Once control is relinquished on a stem particle and it returns to the Aether, the anti-stem particle will do so as the same time. Likewise, if the particles have become matter and anti-matter and the user releases control, they will both take a few seconds to turn back to stem and anti-stem particles and return to the Aether, all simultaneously. This also works the other way: if something happens to the anti-stem particle that causes it to turn back into its original form and/or return to the Aether, the stem particle it is paired with will disappear as well. In this way, anti-particles can be exploited to nullify magic.

Origin & Source

The anti-stem particle originates only from the Aether, the source of all magic. It is brought into the universe by a magic user when a stem particle is summoned.

Life & Expiration

An anti-stem particle will remain in the universe for as long as it's partner stem particle does, as long as neither is disrupted and theoretically as long as a magic user is keeping control of the stem particle. If the stem particle does return to the Aether at any point though, the anti-stem particle will do so as well, which typically takes only microseconds. If the two particles have become matter and anti-matter, they will both take a couple of seconds to turn back to their original forms and then return to the Aether. Even if a magic user is keeping constant control over the stem particle, it may spontaneously turn into a fundamental particle anyway, which the anti-stem particle will mirror, thus removing the user's control over them. Afterwards they will turn back into uncontrollable stem and anti-stem particles and return to the Aether. This happens regardless of what the user is doing, and when and if the particles will transform is stochastic and unpredictable. However, the statistical model for this happening to a collection of particles overall is similar to radioactive decay, and has a half-life of two minutes, meaning the magic user has to replenish their active magic over time or they will gradually lose it.

History & Usage


The anti-stem particle would have existed for as long as the Aether has existed, though it is not known how long this is, if indeed it existed before the universe did. If so, then anti-stem particles should have been around since the beginning of the universe (theories as to if magic had a hand in the creation of the universe are incomplete). Though nothing occurred until living beings evolved to be able to use magic, it is likely some anti-stem particles were spontaneously manifesting and disappearing in carbon atoms across the universe during this time (theories as to if magic helped create life are also incomplete, however anti-stem particles are less important in these theories). Once some beings learned to use magic, instinctively or intelligently, anti-stem particles began to appear as well, and animals had to evolve to be able to separate them from their stem particles to be able to actually use magic. However, despite appearing regularly in the use of magic, no one had any idea as to the antiparticle's existence until particle physics first appeared in the 20th century.   Even after ORCHESTRA scientists applied particle physics to magic to theorise the stem particle, it took more time for the anti-stem particle to be theorised. Originally, it was believed that only the stem particle existed as the fundamental unit of magic, though the anti-stem particle was later conceived of as well after study of the Cantus Lobe in magic users. It should be pointed out that due to the obscure nature of anti-stem particles, they cannot be directly observed with a particle accelerator, but extra evidence lended itself after carbon atoms were observed to lose magic energy within nanoseconds of gaining it, which was explainable by annihilation. It was given the same properties as stem particles to fit within the standard model, but the quantum unit of magic was also added to distinguish it and a regular stem particle.


The anti-stem particle was first theorised by ORCHESTRA physicists in ____, and then confirmed with observation of carbon atoms in ____.

Everyday use

The anti-stem particle is involved in all instances of magic use, and so is a key cornerstone of the magical world. Yet it is not directly involved in magical powers, but is necessary to keep within the laws of physics. However, it can be exploited with anti-magic technology to nullify active magic, a tactic ORCHESTRA uses often.


Anti-stem particles contribute a lot to the hazards of using too much magic, or for too long. As anti-stem particles cannot be directly controlled, what they turn into can be hazardous. As fundamental antimatter they are not too dangerous to living things, but when becoming bosons or high-energy photons it can damage the user's innards, and and can cause damage to build up, such as scarring, random pain, enzyme denaturing, cancer, any potential organ problem or organ failure, and more. There are a huge variety of complications that can occur from this, but generally they only manifest if a person has been using magic for many years or in extremely high quantity.
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