AG Carnifex Item in ORCA | World Anvil
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AG Carnifex

The AG Carnifex (full name Argentum Carnifex) is a special type of revolver created by O.R.C.A. for the purpose of firing silver bullets. Such a weapon is extremely effective against magical enemies, as the silver bullets are not affected by magic and are nearly guaranteed to be fatal to their targets. It takes its name from the the Latin for silver and executioner, and the shorthand from silver's elemental symbol. While expensive to stock ammunition for and only used in special situations, they are nonetheless a symbol of the extermination that ORCA has wreaked upon the magical world.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The AG Carnifex works like a regular 6-shot revolver with all the same mechanisms, though it's exact measurements are unique to allow for the bullets and their firing, since they are of unique dimensions and are softer than conventional bullets.


The purpose of their existence being solely to kill magical people and creatures and their lethalness at doing so, the weapon has become a symbol of ORCA's campaign of eradication and the terror they possess.
Item type
Weapon, Ranged
Related Technologies
The guns are fairly uncommon even by ORCA's standards. Due to the expensive nature of manufacturing the bullets and the fact that conventional guns do just as well most of the time, not many are made. The few that are are reserved for operatives considered worthy enough to use them. Even then they are seen in combat sparingly, and only actually used when the operative considers a silver bullet to be necessary.
Raw materials & Components
Most of the materials are standard for a revolver, however what is notable is the silver bullets that it is designed to fire. These are expensive and thus are not made on a large-scale.

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