Desert Campaign Journal Prose in Orbius | World Anvil
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Desert Campaign Journal

Began with Guiding Bolth's misfortune, being petrified by a gorgon. He was cured in Al Aben, but the priest who cured him requested a favor. He corresponded with the abbot of the Hermitage of St. Ignatius - but has not heard from this abbot in years. Nothing has cone - no letters, no birds, no spells. Something is amiss. The priest does not say so directly, but the fear is that something has killed the abbot - who was very powerful, so whatever killed him must also be very dangerous.   The party is then attacked in their home in town. They drive off the attackers, a drow hexblade, then set out.   They travelled across the desert coastlands, fighting occasionally - orcs and an Ettin (boulder throwing contest!), cyclopes and a wyvern, bandits, manticore. After this, they killed a stone golem, some sand spiders, and eventually ran into a caravan, that pointed them where they needed to go.   They ended up in Hazard Hollow, where they learned various facts.


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