Satyr Species in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Also called Tauren/Taur/Taur-folk, or by gendered names of Cow & Bull. They're a mammal species that do in fact earn their identity as close to that of bovid cattle. Their precise origin is unknown, and some will even insist their homeworld is simply wherever they ended up for generations. However as some are compatible with SoC species in genetic halfling potential, there is some belief they came from the same universe as orc-humans and reketta, while others insist they're actually more like humans with a wide variety of universal origin points. They are largely a more dim-witted race, especially on the majority level where most are conceived in 'herd' tribal communities that are merely moving along as they eat foliage. However intelligence can (and has) bloomed with a few. Some have truly grounded their communities to form bigger towns or cities, others are given a great education that succeeds or at least follows up better on the next generation. This among their large number and easy supply, has cast them in a vast range of positions from woodland disturbances, Vanguard operatives, commercial jobs around heavy mixed-species environments, and Sycore staff (mostly under Syrena's chain given she's cultivated them alongside Boarians for her main food supply).   Many regard them in a mixed light, as something of a nuisance with benefits. In their more primal state, nomadic herds are considered a pest. They reproduce fast, and gorge on ruffage very heavily, to the point a small group has been known to potentially tear out patches or even whole forests of flora life. Contrary to most herbivores, they aren't picky on the diet at all, and immune to most known straight toxins. However, eating and spreading so much, they yield a vast amount of meat that is comparably much more flavorful than the normal terran cattle and aren't hard to run out of such a supply. Likewise, the bulk a more muscle-trained one can attain is immense, and a gift to some work loads if they can be agreed to assist in the native society. It still takes a few years for a new generation to mature and settle in, so responses against them must be found and acted fast. Otherwise, it only takes a little before one can start raising newly produced satyr and training them in any outlet be it labor, citizenship, or simply to eat and be better meat. Tauren beef has become a large if pricey meat found across a wide range of places and markets over time, often welcomed without satyrs getting the strong political power to say much. The famous Nugget's Queen burger based meals often has a heavy amount of their own staff satyr in its mix.  
'Endless' appetites, and superfetation with loose mating patterns tend to make many grow rotund and multiply fast, adding to their easy utility for cattle. Even their more diverse fur patterns (resembling deer/horse, etc) tend to be betrayed by more cow/bullish habits.

Basic Information


Often they have two horns on their head, pointy long ears, potentially larger framed bodies, tufted mid-length tails, and short-to-mid length fur over a sturdy hide. Their arms cast out big hands, while their legs end in hooves. An equine-like mane tends to grow across their head, sometimes very dense, and other times very shallow depending on genetics and diet. They can naturally start out slim, even arguably more like a doe or deer, or a little muscle to carry a stallion look. However this is usually a very short-lived phase, and their muscular support grows out firm, while their bellies tend to go from a small beer-gut look to sometimes bulbously round mass. Their multi-stomach system allows them to carry and process a massive bulk of materials that can filter out countless toxins. A lot of it comes back up into their respiratory system, where there is a special sac-lung that holds poison gasses they can breathe or belch back out for defensive purposes.   Sexual dimorphism is quite close to common with bipedal mammals. Females have more curves, while males tend to have bigger shoulder-muscular strength. Both can have horns, though males tend to grow them better, while females often have stubs. Females however tend to grow out bigger manes, but again this can occur with males as well. Color-wise, most satyr or tauren or brown, black, blonde, or white with spots of other coloration. There are however a mix of other color potentials less seen, including some special patterns with the splotches or stripes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Satyr are among a few species that are considered some form of superfetacious as their standard biological function. This means that females can became pregnant for about as often as they are coupling, even if already pregnant. While they often only have one calf at a time, the way they populate so fast is that the stronger and fertile females are often steadily tested and impregnated up to bearing 3-5. Those 'popular' with the herd are almost stuck being perpetual pregnant. Without structure to this beyond just the bull's wants, mothers tend to raise their many kids by themselves, but in turn the young at such a vast amount tend to mature and rally to their mother as strictly loyal and helpful to her and repay the favor when they're stable to.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their sight is among their weaker aspects, and their taste isn't that best other than loving nearly anything they can eat. However they make up for it with great hearing and scent recognition.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Generally the rule for both sexes is, bigger is better. Only the young, sick, or unfit tend to become mature, small, and scrawny. Big horns, big muscles, big bellies are all universally encouraged between tauren. Its believed this means one is living their richest life, grazing all the food and/or carrying enough muscle to be productive and inspiring. Males will especially favor things to their horns, and their genitals may even be referred to as a 'third horn'. Its common to see rings or more ruffage themed decorative appeal over their head horns, unless they were more of a small and shamed variety. In captivity its also attractive for later making crafting materials out of the horns, so domesticated bulls themselves are even motivated to take care of larger horns. Females may have smaller horns on average, but its still considered fine to have bigger horns between them. Bigger rumps and bust sizes are played up as more appealing cow traits, and they're more likely to 'direct' bulls by tying an accessory or jewel around their tail. Pregnant females are oddly more of a unique turn-on with bulls, seeing one can already carry calves makes her more proven than one that seems strained or untested. However breeding happens so frequently among herds that the mature virgin ones aren't ignored for long.

Gender Ideals

Females are actually most often the leaders. Given they have no strict configuration to their herds, or couples for mating, the females with the most children will slowly develop ruling mob powers with her loyal children becoming her clan, and a large enough one making her a matriarch. Bulls on the other hand, often have more aggressive tendencies and will carry these out doing hunting, defenses, or settling more disputes with other herds.
40-65 years
Average Height
Average Physique
Often fat with large biceps and powerful legs.
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