ISSV Rattler Vehicle in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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ISSV Rattler

The Rattler is a disc-top based aircraft vessel owned and used by the Siivakian Empire. Its shaped with a disc at the top, a small recangular chasis below it, and a stinger-like scooping arm under that. Mounted gattling-like turrets called Rotagel guns are one each side of the 'stinger' or 'fang' part, with explosive cannons mounted to the front disc, and a guiding system closer to the bottom center. When down and deactive, the ship rests with its gattling turrets lowered down on a vertical sliding system that serves as both landing gears, and can still flow and swivel on even low power for coverage of exitting soldiers.   The vehicle is modeled after the older ISE craft once referred to as The Oppressor. They've redone small features, interfacing, and recolored the ship to be all xhor-black. The new name is in referance to its hood-rim shape, and the fact that real k'siiva hoods tend to flare in the scales and look "rattled" when aggitated. The older model was abandoned for its more garish colors, and to stand out against abusive Cutters that still ran the tech, and made the skies feel more hostile in contested territories. It only requires one person to fly and direct remote operations for a vehicle, but its highly more effective with room for three operators splitting tasks between optimal scanning and spotting, firing, and maneuvering or secondary firing.   The k'siiva tend to employ this ship when they're concerned of the area, or have suspicions of dangers. Its meant to be a fighter system, and able to combat land targets, heavy armor, and mildly less so (but still astounding to most competitor tech) with aerial offenders.

Power Generation

Gunpower is split between physical loaded metallic munitions for explosives, and geltoid cells for beams. The main ship however, runs off of Solar Fusion technology.

Weapons & Armament

Twin rotagel cannons are wired, with a primary 'spotter' targeting turret that can fire a phantom round out first, and lock in precision aiming. The result tends to almost melt even serious armored ground crafts or buildings. Grenade caliber cannons, and combusting fletchet payloads for bombing can also be done when explosives are required.

Armor and defense

Absorption field, Xhoradian Steel armor haul, reinforced rims and exterior layer, koovrot insulated (must be handled carefully if punctured), and evade-warp dodge motor.


Can deploy up to two remote drones for additional observations, and has full sensory systems. With optimal operatives, communication hacking and full direct data feeds are accessible.

Hangars & docked vessels

  • Up to two drones
  • Modified top-stock can be done to carry an Interloper, Fang, Beak, or other small and light singular crew vessels.
Disc Gunship
ISSV Combat Vessel
Related Technologies
Complement / Crew
3 for efficiency (1 required)
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
Capacity of around 10 personnel


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