Dorva Species in Orbital Archipelago & Afar | World Anvil
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Dorva (dor-vah)

The dorvan people are cervid-like creatures of planet Orvani. They were once a convoluted industrial society prepared for galactic imperialism, but the K'siivan empire invaded first. After a war period (mostly a stalemate the K'siiva tired of), and some captured with pockets of the land still owned by K'siiva at present, their standards folded and reshaped, now living a more techno-tribal lifestyle. They refuse to hold large urbanized systems, or certain sets of technology. Implants, and things akin to phones are forbidden for concern of it making one addicted/attached, and lose contact with the mundane. Their technology however still motivates around things that assist with education, and compassion, still holding higher tech methods of checking for health, keeping plants safe, and keeping items like books or even restricted forms of computers at the ready.

Basic Information


Dorvan tend to be 1.3-1.7m tall bipedal mammals with cervid-like qualities. Every dorva has pointed ears, elongated snouts, and split hooves. The tail is deceptively long, with a lengthy stub that ends up growing a longer colorful fox-like tail. Fur tends to be more on earthly colors, variating between browns, creams, reds, dark, and gray/silver. Horns at the head vary a bit, and some grow small manes. Their teeth are flat and suited for grinding, and vegetarian diets only, with two stomachs for full digestion.   Males tend to have more solid colors with less patterns, and longer horns that can spur either a little, or become more intense antlers. Patterns tend to still include freckles spots, and sometimes tipped tail tufts and facial features. They tend to be marginally taller to a miniscule point where its often not a telling trait. They host firmer shoulders, and better upper-body strength, but tend to be slightly less dexterous with some believing bigger horns make them occasionally clumsier. Its a little more common to decorate the horns, or trim the tail down to a tuft, and some grow and maintain more fur along the ridges of the jaw, or at the chin.   Females are more likely to have elaborate patterns, with one of the quicker odd distinctions being striped legs. Often they are more comparable to okapi, with smaller horns, and bright leg colors with stripes. Their horns often grow short, but sleek and straight, with some of the longer ones more comparable with gazelle than elk antlers like the larger set of a male's. Their patterns may be more extensive with bolder colors, ringed tails, stripes along the back, more facial offset features, etc. Their shoulders are more narrow, and their hips broad. It more common for them to braid or decorate their tail, or keep a mane.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Dorva are vegetarians, with two stomachs to help process even potentially raw cud with time. However they more often cook their food, and vary from corn-like grains, wheat, spices, milk, fruit, nuts, seeds, etc. From ancient trades, they even have access to a form of goat and cow for cheese and milk of a similar quality mankind has, but are one of the few species that will even keep and repurpose its own milk for recreational consumption, often turning it into a heavy cream or liquor.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They're actually quite popular to poach. Their horns, fur, severed tails, and sometimes the piercings and jewelry with them, all make for decent enough catches. Worse/better is that their muscles marbles very easily for good steaks, and meat cuts, however they aren't quite as known and hurt for that as some other races and some even make the mistake to skip the meat for the parts. Ironically enough the K'siiva are the only ones to historically consume a large quantity of them in their own morphing venom ways. The K'siiva have established some form of slavery over them, which continues up to a small part of their population on their home planet where its believed a post-imperial Cutter Colony acts on tyrannical ideas.

Average Intelligence

Dorva have an extremely diverse set of knowledge and understandings depending on their origins and background. The species in a unified sense was quite intelligent, fast with adapting, and about on par with a tikerin scale timeline of maturity without warfare influence to hold them back. However once severed and changed by the k'siiva invasion, they have since gone down multiple routes and potential disparities. A very small few are still under tight control and out of free will. Most of Orvani has scrapped and removed their wider technological ability, and restricted themselves to a very finite route of progress and hardware, refusing to adapt long-distant communications, and aerial transports, even if the potential has been at their hands and background.   Refugee dorva are scattered, and came from a root of considering their tech and industrial history. Some have been capable of preserving a lot of it, and have struggled or mixed it with applications to other species. In a large sense though, many were not able to individually carry the tech as they made a new life, and in a sense they have sort of averaged out and match tech and ideals close with established tikerin and tigiren. A few have brought out old and mixed with new and strange ideals. Dorva colonies along Kitora and Swelacia have each adopted native magic influences, and have mixed arts and teachings to unlock magic and technology they wouldn't have had even in their Orvani prime. Elsewhere on Kalfoan they have reduced themselves without sustaining tech as basic tribes, or Orua where their colony is mostly bottle-necked by wage-chasing and a huge obsession with greasy pizza & sweets.
80 Years
Average Height
Average Physique
Averages tilt more towards the fit and strong, but the fat aren't in short number. Few are just bone-skinny, and tend to pack decent muscle, even if they look lean. Some colonies are more prone to weight issues, especially on the sanctuary regions of Orua and Kitori.
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