Session 1: The Festival of AllGods Report Report in Orbis | World Anvil
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Session 1: The Festival of AllGods Report

Written by Janto

General Summary

Paladin Etin and Druid Flidais arrived at the village of Thornwall during the AllGods festival. Flidais planned to drop off the amnesiac Etin at the tavern. She asked a human Bard named Valen on the road to help her.   They investigated some kiosks in the market and the town piazza, including the one operated by the town's cheese selling dwarf Doldar. The three were approached by a strange otherworldly Knight with a very long name that everyone called Tri (pronounced "Tree"). Tri was very interested in protecting Fildais, but was suspicious of Etin. From a spell, Etin learned Valen's true form.   The party met Symon who owns the inn and who took an instant liking to them. They listened to a man named Harold talk about the upcoming forester election and Mayor Hayward talk about the adventurer party licenses that the town will be able to issue starting next month.   They met Constable Brom who assigned them a guide named Sindel, a worker from the Wool Trade, to take them to the five shrines.   At the shrine to Vidur, the god of justice, they met Xenia an old but very muscular elf who mentioned Fergus, a former forester who attempted to take over the town. She also took a liking to Tri. At the shrine of Balshora, goddess of pleasure, the party met dwarven brewers who treated Fildais with great honor and gave the party free ale. At the stone circle shrine to Miklay that was covered with chalk symbols, Tri wrote his name and a squirrel gave him an acorn. He ate it. At the shrine to Krella, goddess of prosperity, they met a tonttu named Sleegan Gold who is running for town forester. He was keen for their vote.   At the temple of Huvoi, the party saw an artifact that they learned was called the Mace of the Paragon. It was on display for the festival. As Tri and Valen performed for the festival crowd, Etin met the high priest of the temple, a Husliq woman named Themis. She gave him a lot of peace, was very friendly to him, and invited him to stay with the priests in the Temple. Etin noticed something special about her eyes.   The party relaxed in the tavern and entered the talent contest. Valen played a historic tune. Fildais told a fairy story. Tri performed a feat of strength. Etin applauded. Locals did a trick with a false eye, played some water glasses, did a sexy dagger juggling act, danced a stomping dance, and Sindel sang a Druid Song. Tri won the contest and the 50gp prize.   The party relaxed and enjoyed the festivities. Tri went back to his room above the cheese shop. Etin went to his cell in the Temple. Valen and Fildais took rooms in the inn. Valen knocked on the door to Fildais' room and gave her an owl painting from his room that was freaking him out.   Around 2 in the morning, a mild earthquake woke up Valen and Tri. Investigating outside, they found each other as well as Symon and Constable Brom. Tri's talk of threats encouraged Brom to temporarily deputize them and rouse two tonttu members of the militia to do a patrol of the town. Symon retired back inside the tavern. Valen and Tri convinced Brom to wake and add Etin to their patrol.   In the graveyard near the Temple, the patrol found some very old graves split open by the tremors. They were attacked by some very decrepit skeletons. The fight was long and arduous, but they managed to destroy all of the skeletons. Valen accidentally revealed his true form to Tri and one of the tonttus. Tri was eager to learn the truth. The tonttu was inspired but confused.   The patrol ended without further incident. Brom was happy he had temporarily deputized Tri, Valen, and Etin. The constable returned to the Inn. Etin returned to the Temple. Valen returned to his room, but also made a date with one of the tonttus for the following evening. Tri returned to the cheeseshop and grabbed a random piece of cheese from the counter. After eating it, he fell asleep and had otherworldly dreams unlike anything he had experienced before. He woke parched and ill, but with a renewed sense of self and wonder.

Character(s) interacted with


Doldar Wensleydale cover



Mayor Hayward

Constable Brom

Brom cover



Themis cover

Thornwall (Ended)
Report Date
15 Aug 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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