The Iruqui Ethnicity in Oradryn | World Anvil
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The Iruqui

Anderal has only recently been discovered by the Outside World. Far off the normal trade routes, Anderal remained hidden from the rest of Rune. Little is still known. The Land was named after Faragan Anderal, who thrown off course accidentally ran aground on this beautiful land. Faragan and crew learned of those who resided there. While repairing the ship he befriended the local tribe who called themselves the Alouquin (Aloe-Kwin). But all tribes are of the Iruqui which means "The People". The repairs took longer than expected and Faragan soon fell in love with and wedded the chief's daughter, a Alouquin maiden named, Tiponi. While stranded many Iruqui of many tribes came to see the Skah (white persons). The tribes he recalled most where the Awmak, the Uzomati, Isi and many others. Eventually, the ship was repaired and Captain Faragan Anderal and his new wife and her young child left for Indoris and then to his home on Estolin where he took some time from the Sea. Now, it is believed that this is the descendants of the purest Menien blood lines. Interesting enough the Iruqui do not worship the Vynir, but are animistic giving prayers to totem spirits and god-like status to natural occurances and notable ancestors and landmarks. However, the Iruqui believe that they were brought from the first land by the Namid (Stardancers).

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Kwanita, Panola, Mapiya, Tuwa, Ayashe, Alsoomse, Tsula, Doli, Totsi, Anna

Masculine names

Wohehiv, Atepa, Halian, Istaqa, Bagwunagijik, Sani, Ar-Ke-Kee-Tah, Mikasi, Gaagii, Kono

Other names


Aamehee, Abeque, Aiyana, Alaqua, Alopay, Amayeta, Ametanee, Amoja, Angeni, Anoohtsee, Aquene, Avoonee, Awenasa, Awendola, Ayita, Bena, Cheehashkish, Chenoa, Cheyenne, Cumpah, Dabuda, Dakota, Dionta, Dohn-say, Dos-teh-seh, Dyan, Dyani, Ekalaka, Eyota, Guyan, Hah-dun-key, Halana, Haleen, Halona, Hara, Helki, Heta, Hola, Huera, Icimanipi, Ilia, Imala, Ishton, Izusa, Jacali, Kachina, Kahia, Kaksha, Kaya, Keyoe, Koae, Koko, Krow, Kwanita, Lakota, Lenna, Leosanni, Lomasi, Macawi, Matoaka, Migina, Migisi, Minowa, Minowah, Nahdoste, Nanathathtith, Nashota, Niabe, Niabi, Nita, Nixera, Nohchlon, Notamee, Odina, Pepeae, Pessim, Picabo, Pinquina, Polona, Sabetha, Sakuna, Satinka, Sevonee, Shasta, She-gha, Shohola, Shtsha-she, Sihu, Sisika, Sonsee-array, Suwannee, Tahdaste, Taima, Tallulah Tama Tawana Tayanita Tehya Tewa Tiponya Tohtooae Tzes-ton Utina Winona Wyome Wynona Xomooe Yenene Yoki Yoluta Yoomee, Zaltana, Zitkala, Zi-yeh, Zuzela  


Ahanu, Ahdik, Ahnandia, Akando, Akule, Alchise, Aseske, Awan, Baishan, Bemidji, Beshe, Bly, Chachu, Chesmu, Chitto, Dah-keya, Daklegon, Dakota, Delsin, Delzhinne, Demothi, Dyami, Elsu, Estchinaeintonyah, Etu, Eyata, Fun, Gooday, Gosheven, Goyathlay, Guyapi, Guydelkon, Hackehadadolnihe, Hahnee, Halian, Helaku, Hestamaxana, Hesutu, Honon, Hototo, Hunlona, Imali, Inteus, Ishi, Istee, Kaahtenay, Kaga, Kaywaykla, Kijika, Kilthdigai, Koana, Kohana, Kono, Lallo, Lenno, Lonan, Lusio, Maska, Matto, Mehnenohka, Mikasi, Mojag, Motega, Mwinyi, Mwita, Mzuzi, Naiche, Nantai, Napi, Nashoba, Nibaw, Nigan, Nikiti, Nodiskey, Nolgee, Nonithian, Opachisto, Osceola, Otu, Ouray, Out, Paeta, Payat, Pilan, Pillan, Pionsenay, Pocano, Quanah, Sahale, Senaka, Sequoyah, Skayocarne, Skinya, Skiriki, Songan, Squanto, Tahoma, Taklishim, Takoda, Talli, Tisnolthtos, Toclanny, Tooantuh, Tsisnah, Waban, Wadiskay, Wemilo, Wenutu, Wilu, Yana, Yotimo, Yuma

Physical Description

  Complexion: Swarthy to dark.   Build: Tall and lean.   Hair Color: Primarily Black, sometimes brown. Lighter Shades are unheard at this time.   Eye Color: Chestnut, brown, and Amber is common, other shades are unheard of at this time.   Height: 5'7 - 6'4  


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