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Mirror of Simulacra

A Mirror of Simulacra is a heavily enchanted mirror capable of creating a Simulacrum of a creature reflected in it. The process of creating a Mirror of Simulacra is thought to have been lost in the fall of Bjália, though it is speculated that a few may remain in the hands of prominent families of the High Elf Diaspora.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Mirror of Simulacra must be bound to a specific person via a ritual involving them cutting themselves on its edge and shedding a pint of blood across it. Any simulacra created by this mirror fall under the complete control of the person bound to it.   The full arcanomechanisms of a Mirror of Simulacra have been lost to time alongside the secretive magical practices of Bjália. Attempts by modern-day illusionists to recreate them have so far been inconsistent at best, and deadly to the wizard at worst.
Item type
unknown if any still exist


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