Habernuë Tradition / Ritual in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Habernuë is the name for the solstice tradition of the Western Woods. It begins on 21 December and ends 60 days later, on 19 February, with the Hitë-ata Hunt.   At sunset, communities gather in burrows, caves, or low-to-the-ground huts they spend the previous weeks constructing (or repairing, if the community is one that returns to the same locations generation after generation). The head Druid of the commune casts a ritual spell that allows those in the burrow to survive on one-fourth of the food typically necessary, so long as they sleep for 16 hours a day. They move as much prepared food as they have been able to preserve into the hut, share a final meal of fresh meat for the year, and settle down to sleep.

Cover image: by Chris Flexen


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