Blackhammer Clan Organization in OperaQuest | World Anvil
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Blackhammer Clan

The Blackhammer Clan is a wealthy Dwarf family originating in Erdelan, though several of its heirs live in the Aquatic Kingdoms. Thúrin Blackhammer is the current head of the family.
  The family's wealth comes from the sale and manufacture of weapons, via Blackhammer Industries.
  Notable Members
  Thúrin Blackhammer (born Y807) inherited leadership of the family upon the death of his grandfather, Valter Blackhammer, in Y920.
  Elsa Blackhammer, eldest daughter of Thúrin, is an activist and noblewoman. She was kidnapped by rebel forces of the Volian Revolution in Y9XX, but grew to stand with the rebels, invading (thing) in (year).
  Barbarina Blackhammer is a socialite, the second-youngest daughter of Thúrin's fourth child Sarmina Blackhammer. She is most frequently seen in Cantonova and the Aquatic Kingdoms. She was presumed dead in a fire during the siege of Cape Hildegard in late Y1110, but has been seen at social events several times since. She was the gladiatorial sponsor of the Heroes of Cape Hildegard and served as a mentor to Loge Haderaa, even giving a eulogy at his funeral.


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