Geville Umphé Ethnicity in On the Road Again | World Anvil

Geville Umphé

Umphé born in the world of Geville, who have never known the mountainous dimension from whence their parents came. Most people might not know that, but they do know of the groups of umphé who design the most amazing and versatile garments for every species on Geville.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Unlike umphé, who only have one name, Geville umphé have created their own family names. Much like all umphé, the names they come up with tend to follow the cultures of Geville they are currently surrounded by, but they hope as time goes on they will pass on their created family names through generations.


Shared customary codes and values

Bridging the gaps between different cultures is the number one value all Geville umphé abide by. If an umphé was born in Geville but does not uphold these values, they are not considered a part of this group and yet another kind of umphé.

Common Etiquette rules

Geville umphé believe highly in politeness and understanding.

Common Dress code

Montibus and siluas do not often wear clothing, much as the other umphé of their kind, but umphé aquae and ignes do all wear identity coverings. Depending on the species of their body, they cover their faces, other specific identifying marks, anything which might give away who their body was in life before becoming theirs. In doing this, they discovered the artform of clothes design.

Art & Architecture

As most umphé, Geville umphé do not understand the need for much possessions and find their art of song, dance, and other performances to be what is most important. However, with most unaware of it, they have become the most well known for their dress styles and their designers. They have designed clothes for ctod, who hardly wear any sort of fabric, outfits covering the coats of goldens without overheating them, coverings and decorations for tyyros' horns.   Despite the high demand for these clothes, they are rare, as the Geville umphé do not appear to understand why the species would wish to conceal themselves so completely. These clothes are designed to hide the identity of the body umphé ignes and aquae are born and live within. While they also attempt to take in the beauty ideals for the species in question, it is merely to replicate an individual design of their own on top of that of their body.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

Geville umphé are much more deliberate in allowing an offspring to occur from a cast off body. They do not leave the body behind as the umphé inside develops, they either stay put or carry the body along with simple orders the forming umphé can understand. When the newborn umphé becomes coherent, they are presented to society with a celebration - a celebration where they decide upon the new design they might carry on themselves to mark how this body is theirs compared to their parent's.

Funerary and Memorial customs

As Geville umphé are more careful about producing children, if one moves to a new body without wanting a child, they immediately dispose of a body before a new umphé can take form. This requires the utter destruction of the wood, stone, or flesh of their previous body. Often they carry the dust or ashes of this body with them after, some even ingesting it to keep it as part of themselves.   When an umphé dies, a celebration takes place for those to remember the life of who has passed. Unlike other umphé, Geville umphé are not nearly as cheerful and do not move on past this celebration as quickly. They were born in Geville, in a place where death and the afterlife is known of, but that umphé have no place in. They know only in the world their ancestors came from umphé do not die. This makes their memorials more somber, with constant questions of if they have an afterlife and if they are unique enough to be remembered.

Common Taboos

Geville umphé are very adamant they must never be mistaken as not umphé. Siluas and montibus arrange themselves when asleep so no one can confuse them as a regular tree or rock formation. Ignes and aquae usually design their clothes with the symbols of the umphé (whether they understand what they truly mean or not), so that if they are not awake they still cannot be confused for the body they reside in.


Beauty Ideals

Unlike the most of their species, Geville umphé consider the beauty ideals of Geville natives. "Normalcy" is fascinating to them and even when their own bodies cannot present or wear such things, they will be attracted to those who can. They appreciate the beauty of nature, but do not always consider themselves an immediate part of it (in the case of aquae and ignes). For montibus and siluas they balance a thin line between being part of the scenery or the part of a society.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is still similar to other umphé, a very fleeting and open relationship. There are no permanent gifts, but experiences and consumables to be shared. However, occasionally they attempt to have a one on one with the object of their affection, as opposed to sharing the experience within a larger group.

Relationship Ideals

Despite differing courtship ideals, Geville umphé do not have long lasting relationships. While most are curious as to a Geville typical family unit (which differs greatly between which species they are looking to emulate), they end up as a community of those who share the same ideals, flitting between each other as their emotions take them.

Major organizations

  • House of Present. Death in Geville means the complete end for an umphé, so while living here they must make the most of their life - or perhaps find a way back to the homeland of their ancestors.
  • Umphéafter. The afterlife of Geville is open and willing to allow umphé. It is only that they are so new and not many have yet passed, so of course none of the living umphé have heard back from their deceased friends.