Briar Brynman Character in Omentibus | World Anvil
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Briar Brynman

Briar Brynman is a sleazy stooge for The Arxene Family . He's a conniving little stinker with the intelligence of a shoehorn. His only redeeming quality may be his proficiency for swindling, no he's no smooth talker nor is he a good liar, he just happens to know exactly what to say to tear you down. As he'd put it "Let's just say I do my research".

Weaknesses: Briar is a drop-dead dumbass when it comes to risk. He does not know when his mouth will get him killed.

Need: Briar could learn to manage his tongue better instead of tearing down every person he meets.

Desire: Briar wants coin plain and simple, he has a gift after all and oughta be paid for it.

Likes: Briar Honestly enjoys his job, destroying people from the inside has become fun for him.

Dislikes: While it is rare, Briar will sometimes meet hard to read people. This annoys him more than anything.

Enemy: Kragen, Stonetosser is one such person who is incredibly difficult to break. Kragen has become Briar's pet project.

Current Location
Dark blue, crazed.
Short, black.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, freckled.
Aligned Organization


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